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Draco P.O.V.

"DADDY!!!!! ITS MY BIRWDAY!!!!!" Was the first thing I heard that morning "I'M OFFICIALLY 5!!!!!"

"Mhm great.." I said, my voice hoarse and grogy from sleep "What time is it?"

"4:30 in the morning..." Abi said realising that its inhumanly early

"Abi, darling, it's far too early to be awake at this ungodly hour!" I explained in the calmest voice I could manage while also wanting to explode

"But D-ad, I want to look good for my party!" She said with a pout I just couldn't say no to

"Fine, go and pick out your outfit while I wake up."

"Yay! wanks daddy!" She hugged me before running off to change

Once I had taken a wake up potion I was ready for the day got dressed in a black turtle neck with a black coat and beige pants((See picture at bottom of page)). When Abi came back she was dressed in a blue dress ((See picture at the bottom)) holding flowers "What are the flowers for?" I asked

"Can you put wem in my hair?" She asked shyly

With a tender smile I say "Of course and would you like your hair straight or curly?"

Her eyes lit up "Can you give me beach waves?!"

I chuckle "Of course!" So we headed to the bathroom and I sat her on the sink and made her hair wavy and weaved the flowers into her hair, in the shape of a flower crown

"Can you do my makeup?"

"Aren't you a bit too young to wear makeup?" I said trying hard not to laugh at the pout she was pulling

"But daddy it doesn't have to be super bold just mascara and a sparkly eyeshadow!"

"Fine but only because it your birthday!" So I did her makeup and we were finally able to leave by the time we were both ready it was 6:30am. 

As we headed into the common room I saw 4 figures cuddled on the couches 2 on one and 2 on another. I walked closer and saw it was Blaise and Weasley cuddled together and Pansy and Hermione I ready wanted to yell 'I told you so!' but they looked so peaceful there and I was curious about why they were there not in their rooms, but I figured I could wait until they woke up. Just as I was about to wake them after 20 minutes of Abi pestering me for her presents Blaise woke up "Oh look who's out of his room for the first time in 3 months!" Blaise voice dripping in sarcasm

"Oh look someone finally worked up the courage to sleep with the guy they've liked since 6th year." I retorted, Blaise sighed, rolled his eyes and turned to Abi

"How's the birthday girl feeling?"

"I wanna open presents!" She exclaimed while pouting

Blaise and I chuckled "We have to wait for the others to get up or..." Blaise said trailing off

"Blaise if you're saying what I think you are do you think they'll appreciate it?" I asked

"Well... they might not but oh well they'll understand and we have her party at 12!"

"Fine but if they get mad I had nothing to do with this ok? Ok."

"Abi you can go and jump on Aunt 'Mione, Aunt Pansy and Uncle Ron!"

"Yay! WAKE UP UNCLE RON!!!!!" She yelled while jumping on him he woke up then she moved to jump on both her 'Aunts' "HURRY UP AUNT PANSY AND AUNT 'MIONE!!!!! I WANNA OPEN MY PRESENTS!!!!!" 

"Ok princess you can open your presents once everyone's ready ok?" I asked 

"Fine but wey better hurry!" She huffed. So everyone besides me and Abi left to go and get dressed for the day Blaise was wearing a Tailored plum coloured dress skirt with Black pants and his black robe and Weasel arrived at the same time wearing the same thing but a white dress shirt and navy pants then Hermione came in wearing a lilac dress which sparkled in the light, her usually frizzy hair was tamed into perfect curls, her makeup was golden and glowy, eventually Pansy came down the stairs in a golden dress with a slit, her hair was in its usual state; a blunt cut just below her ears and her blunt fringe. Her makeup was just a wing and nude lip ((See their outfits at bottom of page except ron and blaise bc i couldn't find any inspo for the outfits D: )) 

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