6. Sparks

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After walking through the woods for a while I enter a clearing. I notice a small cave between the rocks. The entrance of the cave is high and narrow, easy to miss. Its vibe is ominous. Only a god, hero or fool would dare enter there. Patiently I stand in the middle of the green clearing that is covered in wild flowers. I have all the time in the world.

Right when the first autumn sun hits its highest point, the dark haired goddess comes out. Persephone. She is wearing a yellow dress unsuited for someone as light skinned as me. On her hair she wears a jewelled headdress. Somehow I expected her to hold a small bundle, covering a babe. Politely she bows her head and steps aside. Out comes the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on. He has golden curls and ocean deep eyes, framed by long dark lashes. He smiles at me, equally impressed by what he finds. His desire, which he immediately misinterprets for love at first sight, echoes through my bones. I can't help but answer his smile.

'Adonis?' I say, my voice uncharacteristically hoarse. His smile widens before he steps toward me and takes me in his arms, lifting me off the ground.


Sixteen years ago I found him, a little crying baby in a woven basket. As soon as I took him into my arms he stopped crying and looked up to me. It was almost as beautiful as any goddess. I took him with me, cooing him, curling his hair around my finger. He laughed. I was having such a good time when a satyr saw me. His creepy rectangle irises ogled me and his lips curled upward. I knew the chase was on, I knew I could never get away from him fast enough with my arms full. Carefully, I placed the basket in the entrance of the cave - knowing no one would dare enter. Although I knew this was no ordinary bear cave, I wasn't aware that this was the entrance to Hades.

Persephone discovered my hidden treasure and took him with her. Moral of that story? Never ever anger the goddess of Love. Even she, Queen of the Damned, Queen of Hades, Queen of the Underworld understood I could make her life living Hell if she refused to give up the boy. Yet, there was something alluring to little Adonis and she just couldn't. I could hardly blame her, for I felt the same, but I am not known for my compromising nature.

I promised her fire and thunder if she would not bring him back to me, and she just laughed at me.

'I pity you,' she said, 'because you lack the one thing you are most known for. If you truly loved the babe you would surrender him to me, knowing he would be safe with me. You may carry the promise of Love, but you do not know Love.' I got so angry with her the trees around us spontaneously burst into flames. The wind started howling angrily and the splitter splatter of the rain quickly began crashing down around us.

'You may be the Queen of the world below our feet, but up here you are nothing but a girl with flowers around her ankles.' She looked me up and down with her arms crossed defiantly. I know I am not known for violence either, but none dare cross me when I am enraged - and believe me, I was.

'Fine,' she said. 'I will return him to you when he is of age.'

'I want him now.'

'You put him inside the cave. You brought him to the Underworld. None may leave once they've entered. No exceptions.' The earth started rumbling, my hands were balled to fists.

'Please, Aphrodite,' she said unimpressed, raising an eyebrow. 'I spend my pastime willingly in Tartarus. Do you really think your tantrum fits throw me off? I came here because I wanted to make a deal. The way I see it, I don't even need to. Accept the deal, or leave empty-handed.' As sudden as it all began, the forest floor relaxed, breathing steadily under our feet, and the rain returned to gentle splitter splatter. I wasn't yet calm enough to ease the burning trees, though.

'Why would you want to make a deal if there is nothing in it for you?' Hesitantly Persephone turned her body toward me before straightening her back. The smile on her face was almost invisible, but it wasn't mocking.

'You have been busy at Troy. You have lost quite a few good men, amongst whom a couple you considered your sons. Of course, some actually were your sons. Don't interrupt me-' she snapped when I opened my mouth. 'Hades and I welcomed them. Some of them reside at Elysium, others are waiting for their second chance amongst the living. I know your pain. I know your grief. So, I want to make a deal. Sixteen years, the boy will be Below. Granted you keep him alive, he will be Up for thirty-two years after that. He will be yours for sixteen years. After that he controls another sixteen years of his life, the way he himself wants to spend it. Deal?' My shoulders sagged.

'Okay,' I whispered and she was gone before I looked up. I fell down to my knees and cried my heart out. I couldn't believe I already lost him.

Now that he is standing before me, tall and slender, strong and beautiful, I cannot believe Persephone kept her part of the deal. My heart is racing and seeing him smile like that makes me feel perfectly at ease. I've never had any strong feelings toward mortal men, then why is this one appealing to me?

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