31. Warmth

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The next time I'm in Hephaestus' forge, he is much nicer. He doesn't ask how I'm doing, he doesn't want to know what I did - nothing really changed about the way he acts around me, but his demeanor is very different. He seems a lot more relaxed. It's making me relaxed as well. I sit down at his table, my chin is resting on my folded arms. I'm not talking to him, I'm just watching the way his back muscles tract and relax under his tunic, the way his arm muscles flex, the way the burning rocks light up his skin.

After an hour or two, he stops whatever he is doing and he sits down next to me. Adonis used to do that, too. He offers me a drink and I accept with a smile.

'What are you forging?' Surprised he quirks a brow. I guess I never showed an interest.

'A shield. The crude work is almost done. I'll show you when I'm finished.' He slides over a plate of figs.

'What are you doing the next couple of days?' he asks. Plan my bitter revenge, I guess. I shrug and bite in one of the figs. They are lovely sweet.

'Nothing. Why?'

'Come with me to Lipari.'

'What's that?'

'It's an island not too far from here. It's actually just far enough.'

'Okay.' Something twinkles in his dark eyes. My heart feels lighter. This might as well be our turning point.

'Okay,' he repeats with a crooked smile before getting up. I don't think I've ever seen him smile like that.


Lipari is different from what I expected. Hephaestus made the island with his bare hands, forming it from an underwater volcano's lava. It's beautiful. No one lives here, except for a dozen of golden women - also crafted by our wonder boy. Lipari is his little kingdom, everything on it has been made by him as well. It's getting cold already, Persephone has been down below for quite some time now.

'Here you go,' he tells me, opening the door to a beautiful castello, partially overgrown with pink winter roses. Speechless I walk inside, looking at the frescoes on every wall and the elaborate ceiling paintings.

'This is the same Hephaestus I met at Olympia?' I say, turning around to face him. He chuckles, which sends goosebumps up my spine.

'I am whoever you wish to see.' I smile at him.

'Can you be Heath?'

'Sure, Dee. With you I can.' I bare my teeth in laughter and walk on, fascinated by the beautiful art in his Lipari house.

'Have you ever brought anyone here?'

'No.' I turn around to find him a lot closer than anticipated - only two or three inches away from me. I look up at him, at his curious dark eyes, which are studying me, and his lips, which are parted every so slightly. I wonder what he sees when he looks at me. His gaze is holding me in place, his body heat hypnotising, the feeling of his breath fanning my face mesmerising.

'I'll show you your room,' he says in a low, hoarse voice. The corners of my mouth pull back in a smile.

'I have a room?' I say.

'Sure. Come on.' He puts his hand on my elbow and directs me to the other side of the grand hall. He could have let go of me by now, but he hasn't.

My room is beautiful. On one side it is all windows, with flowy white curtains dancing on the icy wind, on the other is a king size four poster bed drowning in pillows. A huge hearth displays an inviting fire, keeping the room warm. I can't imagine he decorated it himself. He lets go of me and I walk into the room, directly toward the windows overlooking Lipari. Looking outside, I gather my courage.

'You know... I was with Ares before I visited you.' I hesitate.

'I know.' I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

'You knew?' I ask. He shrugs.

'I already told you I can see your very soul. I know what it looks like when you're with him. I know what it looks like when you're heartbroken.' I turn away from him and he walks into the room. I didn't know I was literally baring the extent of my soul under his watchful eye. I mean, I can see everyone's flame as well, but I hardly know what they mean.

'I can't keep a secret from you, can I?' I scowl.

'Sure you can, but why would you hide your feelings?'

'Privacy?' He starts laughing. I let out a breath. Slowly I'm growing more comfortable around him.

'He knew about the girdle. So did Artemis, Apollo, Athena and Hera. It wouldn't be surprising if everyone knew. They all knew.' And not just that. He killed the man I loved. I turn back to Hephaestus, and beg him, 'I want to have my revenge. Help me get my revenge on them.' He looks at me closely, his own flame an electric purple.

'A wise person once told me... There's nothing for you Up there. The only way to get back at them is to be happy regardless. Be happy when they least expect it.' I study him closely. His gaze turns to the outside world behind the windows and I turn around to see the first snow fall. There's a lump in my throat. I take a deep breath and recollect my courage before turning back around to face my fiance. I hold out my hand.

'Let's do this, then.'

'Are you sure?' he asks me. I nod.
'I am sure. Marry me.'

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