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Lipari is even more beautiful when the snow has melted completely. I make a run for it and only glance over my shoulder to see if he follows me. Laughing he watches me go. When I reach the middle of the field I turn around. The salty sea air blows my hair up and it frames my face like a chaotic frenzy. Helios is glorious today.

As Heath walks up to me I watch every little movement his body makes. The way his shoulders move, how his fingers squeeze the handle of his bag, how the wind plays with his dark curls and the way Helios lights up his onyx eyes to bottomless depths. His lips curl up in a dangerously tempting smile, telling me everything is right about this picture.

Heath throws his bag in the grass and wraps his arms around me, kissing me like he hasn't eaten in a decade.

'Are you going to tell me what's in the bag now?' He shakes his head in between kisses. His hands travel down my back and grab my ass, pulling me closer to him and pushing me backwards simultaneously.

'You feel like a swim?' he growls. Before I can ask what he means he pushes me back and I let out a scream, grabbing nothing but air before I fall in the water. When I come up I see him, laughing merrily. Before getting upset with his childish antics, the god jumps in the water next to me. 

'Come here,' he says after coming up and pushing his hair back.

'I don't think so,' I huff. He swims toward me with two long strokes and catches me by the arm.

'Aphrodite,' he sighs, 'let's have some fun, just for a minute.' Don't I have fun? Am I not fun? He studies my face with darkened eyes before pulling me into an embrace, just to mesh our lips together. I free myself.

'Did you have fun with Aglaea?' I tease. He freezes for a second and I can see his flame spark.

'What do you want to hear?'

'Truth. Do you like her?' 

'I do. She's … nice.' Why don't I like the sound of that? 

'And do you wan-'


'You wanted to have fun.'

'And this is your idea of having fun? Talking me into a corner I can't get out from? Talking yourself down to the point of self-destruction?' 

'I do like it when you get uneasy. It-' I swallow my words before I say, it makes your flame dance up and down. He pulls me closer again.

'It what, Aphrodite?' He is standing so close to me I can feel his breath fanning my face. I rest my arms on his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist. Slowly I move up and down against his crotch, warming him up.

'Come on,' I whisper against his mouth. 'Give me everything, fast and dirty.'


I am lying in the field next to the lake, completely naked and at ease. A cool breeze washes over me, leaving a light coat of goosebumps. Hephaestus is sitting next to me, looking out over the lake while carving something out of wood. He's always busy. I feel drowsy.

'What do the tattoos signify?' I wonder aloud. He looks up.


'Yes. The one on your chest and shoulder, and the one on your bicep.' He puts the wood carving down and lies down on his back, next to me. 

'This one' - he points to his chest - 'is my armour. It tells you I am not defenseless and I always come to battle prepared. You can hardly see it, but the armour has been woven with the ink. Adamantine is practically invisible and invincible. I love working with it. It is a cursed material.' I roll over to my side so I can have a closer look. For the first time I can see the tiniest sparks in the ink, betraying the adamantine. It covers the side of his chest where his heart resides. Smiling, I look up to him. He does have a thing with curses alright.

'And the one on your bicep?'

'My weapon of choice; a heavy hammer with an axe head.'

'Should I have a tattoo?' I ask him. He laughs and tucks my hair behind my ear. I give in to the heavy feeling of tiredness and my eyes droop.

'If you're ready for that kind of commitment. It's there forever. Can't wash it off, and since we are here forever…'

'Hey, Hephaestus…' I murmur.

'What's up, Aphrodite?' He smells nice.

'I'm really happy. I mean, with you, here.'

'I know. Me too.' And then I fall asleep.

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