35. Blaze

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It's been two weeks since our getaway to Lipari. I find myself to be a quieter, dreamier person. No one at the Olympian court can distract me from my thoughts and day dreams.

When Artemis asks me how I am doing, I tell her I am fine. I am still resentful, so I don't ask her how she's doing. Instead, I take my leave with a smile and walk away again.

Zeus does not like what he sees. I can feel his ever watchful eye burning a hole through my head. He wonders what happened to the woman that was forced to marry the kind, teasing Hephaestus, best of the twelve gods. Maybe he thought I'd come crawling on my knees, begging for release - instead I'm following up on Hephaestus' advice. Be happy. He makes me happy, although a little frustrated.

I walk toward the forge where I visit my husband almost every day. I bring some food and drink with me, although I know he can take care of himself. Although the path is still pitch black dark and the way is winding its way through the mountain, I remember where to go now. I just need to follow the sound of his heart.

When I walk into the bath of golden red light, Heath isn't there. I put the basket on the massive table and curious I look around. I never had a really good look at the place.

'Hey.' Startled I jump from the table and turn around to see Hephaestus wearing only a towel around his hips, his skin still damp from his wash and his slowly growing hair pushed back. I know I shouldn't stare, but I've never seen him without his clothes.

What did we do all that time on Lipari?

'See something you like?' he teases with a quirked brow. Biting my lower lip I walk up to him. Unabashedly I put my fingers on his skin and trace the tribal patterns that are tattooed on his chest, shoulder and arm. His dark eyes follow me while I walk around him, studying the Greek art on his skin, but he lets me.

I catch myself as I lean over to him, right before my lips touch his shoulder - but I do it anyway. My lips barely touch him, but it sends goosebumps down his skin, which are visible in the light of the heart of the mountain. He still watches me as I trail kisses along his collar bone and chest. His hands find my elbows and he draws lazy circles with his thumbs.

I bring my hands up to his neck as my lips find their way to his. He kisses me, allowing me to access his mouth, tightening his grip around my arms as he leads me back to the table, never dropping a beat. He sits down in a chair and I climb in his lap, straddling him. I kiss him again, until his smoky taste is familiar and I can only feel and taste him.

I feel something stir against me and I smile, freeing myself from his kiss.

'Don't you want me?' I pout.

'I do want you,' he whispers as his fingers comb through my hair, coaxing me on to come closer. 'But I want you to want me more.'

I don't like the games he plays. The reason why nothing happened on Lipari isn't because I didn't want to. He plays a game of abstinence until I ask for it. He could hang me by my wrists and have me beg for it, otherwise he wouldn't want to touch me.

With a little bit of regret I get up from his lap and plop down on the chair next to him.

'Why aren't you up on Lipari more often?' I ask him, settling down my anxious wanting, rubbing my knees. He shrugs, readjusting his towel and pushing back his hair which I messed up.

'I love it here. Believe it or not, but this is home to me.' I get up, trying to shake the need from my legs and look at some of the things he made.

'Have you ever made something for Athena or Ares?' I wonder. He sighs. He doesn't like talking about Ares - at all. I tried poking that bear a couple of times at Lipari, but to little avail.

'Yes. Athena's breast plate is one of my finer pieces. I also made her spear.'

'And Ares?'

He sighs again. 'My brother got a shield and spear.'

Ignoring his agitated flame, I say, 'legend has it you built Tartarus as well. True or False?' He lets out a laugh as his flame dims down again.


'You also gave my son, Eros, his damn poisoned arrows. True or false?' He gets up from his chair and starts walking toward me. I don't move from my spot.


'You built those golden women for another reason beside helping you out here. True or false?'


'You have-'

'No, my turn now.' I swallow as he enters my personal space and tucks my hair behind my ear. He moves closer and I stare at his lips.

'You have been thinking about our first kiss. True or false?'

'True.' I put my hands against his chest and trace his warrior tattoo.

'You are falling in love with me. True or false?' I can feel my heart rate go up as his thumb grazes my lip. He is looking at me with this too familiar darkened gaze, challenging me to lie.

'Kiss me,' I tell him, my words barely a whisper.

'Answer me.' I stand on my toes, our lips almost touching. I can feel his breath on my face, the electricity in half the inch between us. I dont know. I only know I want him to kiss me right now.

'True.' And he attacks me with his mouth.

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