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Zeus always enters the mortal realm with great fanfare. There is a loud bang, like lightning struck not too far from us. Birds fly up and scatter, squawking and quittering loudly. He moves through the trees gracefully and I know I'm looking at the god who tricks and deceives to get what he wants, but also the grand and powerful God of Gods. If anyone, he can give me what I most desire. I bow my head, looking at Adonis' body next to me from the corner of my eye.

'Such a shame when the beautiful die young, don't you think so? There's something absolutely tragic about that.' None of us respond to him and he walks up to me.

'I believe there is a dispute you would like me to referee?' I take a deep breath before flashing my angriest look in Persephone's direction.

'She promised me a third of his life! I didn't even get half of that. I can't let him go.' My voice breaks at the end, leaving me in tears. Zeus looks up to Hades, who simply states,

'He is dead, so his soul is mine.' A smile curls Zeus' lips upward.

'Well, technically he is still here, so he is not truly yours, not yet.' In a desperate attempt I throw myself at Hades' feet, begging him for mercy.

'What if...' Persephone whispers to her husband, 'we give her the chance to say goodbye? Let him stay another week or so?' Zeus dismisses the proposal with a wave of the hand.

'The way I see it, a deal was made. A third of his life, you said?' I nod. 'Then the two of you will follow up on the deal. During four months of the year, Adonis belongs to the Underworld. During another four he belongs to Aphrodite here, and the remaining four he may choose to spend as he likes.'

'For how long?' I cry out, afraid four months is all I'm getting. I'm not too proud to be selfish - in Love all is permitted.

'For as many times as he told you he loved you during his lifetime.' I desperately begin counting the times he told me he loved me. 'Take it or leave it, Aphrodite.' Cowering before almighty Zeus, I accept. I take a last look at Adonis before Hades and Persephone bow their heads to me in reverence and leave with the body of my dearest. I know I will see him after four months, but my heart breaks seeing him go.

'I love you,' I whisper so softly none other than Adonis can hear. I look up to see Zeus offering me his hand.

'Come on,' he says, 'we're going to Olympus, the two of us.' I know what that means, but I don't have any fight or joke left in me. My energy is fully drained. I look away from him, making clear what I think about his proposal and before long he drops his hand. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

'No favour of mine goes unpaid, Aphrodite, and there is really only one thing I want from you. Remember that.' With thunder and lightning he leaves again. I look at the red, red roses and touch the soft petals gingerly.

How many times did he tell me he loved me? How many times will I see him again?

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