Davis x Moto Moto

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Prepare for the Moto Moto meme. It will be very important for this oneshot. Now onto the oneshot.

Davis POV
Me and Minamoto were in the onset having a grand ole time. You see I'm trying not to blush since I really like him. Moto got out to go and get some chocolate strawberries we brought with us. Moto thought it would be funny if he hand fed me the chocolate covered strawberry not knowing how it makes me feel. I start to blush a bright red and he said "Hey you ok you look a little bit red?" "Yea I'm fine just the onset getting to me." "Yea I know it is pretty hot and steamy." I started to blush even more when he said that. Why does he have to be so darn cute. I try to calm down my heart from beating out of my chest. It hurts so much to know he only sees me as a friend. "Hey Moto?" "Yeah?" "Do you like them big and chunky?" He spit out the kool-aid he was drinking and started to laugh. I laughed with him trying to disguise my blush. "So do you think Riccaro is ever going to man up and ask out Momiji?" I scoffed and said "With my help he will." He just signed and looked down. "What's wrong Moto?" "I'm just thinking about how I don't have anyone who loves me as a boyfriend." My heart ached since I loved him. I replied with "You are a great person and you deserve the best. Maybe there is someone out there who likes you. Maybe they are closer than you think." I really hope he gets the message but of course nothing goes my way. "Thanks bro I'm glad to have you as my best friend bro." I jusf signed and looked. Why is life so unfair. "Hey Davis." "Yea?" "Watch out I think Moto Moto likes you." I just blushed and said "W-What?" "I like like you Davis and I know you like me I was waiting for you to say it." I just blushed and looked down. He grabbed me by the chin and leaned in. He whispered in my ear. "It's free real estate...I love you Davis please be my boyfriend." I smiled and said yes then I closed the gap kissing him on the lips.

Ok so this was bad and cringy but I think it's cute. Anyways see you in the next one.

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