Daveed x Brandeen

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I though this would be cute no one requested it besides myself but if you have any request comment then down also thanks for the people who are voting for this story! Also cursing ahead

Brandeen POV
For some reason Daveed is acting weird I wonder whats going on. He told me to get on a suit and meet him by the docks. As I start to head over I see Ritchie and Michael making out infront of their house, so of course u decided to crash it. "What up losers?" I said seeing their eyes go wide. "How long have you been there?" Michael  said pissed. "Just now I'm on my way to meet with Daveed." "Good luck he is high on tombjuice today." Ritchie said. "Thanks bye talk to you later." I see daveed on the docks and he just looks perfect. I'm glad he's my boyfriend even though I feel like I don't deserve him. Maybe he wants to break up with me. The thoughts just kept running in my brain. Until Daveed saw me.

Daveed POV
As I was waiting for Brandeen I saw Jakey and Bryan walking into his 'not so secret secret base' "Hi guys!" "Who let you have tombjuice?" Jakey said scared. "Myself I have a bunch of them." "Well were doomed." Bryan said in a matter of fact tone. "Well bye losers I'm waiting for Brandeen." "Bye." "Good ridence." As they left I see Brandeen and I go over to him. "Hi babe!" I said lovingly. "Oh hi Daveed." He said sadly. Now we can't have a sad bean now can we? "What's wrong hun?" Brandeen just started to cry and said "I'm not good enough for you. You deserve someone better and I'm scared your gonna break up with me." I could of cried hearing the pain in his voice. "Of course I deserve you. You're the most handsomest (don't think its a word but what ever) boy ever to live. I would never leave you and I ask you to meet me by the docks is because I wanted to do something. He looked shocked as I grabbed his hand and got on one knee "Brandeen we been dating for 4 years now and I want to know will you do me the honors of being my fire prince and marry this dumb joker?" Brandeen cried even more and said "YES!!!!!!!!" Then he cleared his throat and said "Sure if you want to." He said nonchalant. We started to kiss but little did we know everyone in camp was watching and Jakey was about to give me the talk about dating his 'best friend'.
Idk why this came to me at 2 am I woke up and was like this is a good idea so I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down. But yea here is the oenshot I requested and I think its cute and funny. But anyways goodbye ice cream cones and remember to comment who you want to see next!

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