You guys are my team mates

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So I do know the Polynesians are Austin, Collin, Seekah, and Nad. So Bri will not be in this oneshot sorry. Now onto the oneshot.

Collin POV
Me and my brothers were walking around the camp when we saw a very tall guy. He is also looking at this side of camp. "Hey guys maybe we should say hi to him." They both nodded and we walked our way over there. "Hello I am seek. Do you live in this part to?" "Yes I do and you can call me Nad." "Its nice to meet you Nad I am Collin and this over here is Austin. We are all brothers." As I say that I put my arms around the twk and they instantly move out the way. "Well its nice to mee you guys. Do you know who is the counselor for this place?" "Nope but who needs rules when we are going to dominate anyway." I just face palmed at what Austin said. "You know since we never met before maybe we should start getting along with eachother. How about we all watch a movie?" "Yea that sounds cool. How about we watch Moana?" I suggested. "Just cause your dad is in it does not mean we have to watch it." I just glared at seek. "You ruin all the fun." "Your dad is in it?" "Oh yea I am the son of Maui." Nad just nodded. We all decided to watch IT. Nad and Austin were yelling at the characters for being dumb. Me and Seek were holding eachother terrified. After the movie was done Nad and Austin would not stop laughing at us. We all ate some food and Seeka caused a food fight. I am currently under the table eating while all three of them have a food fight. Maybe this won't be so bad living with someone else.

Hope you enjoy and see you in the next oneshot.

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