Riccaro corrupted

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So I came to the conclusion that you guys want Riccaro to have everything bad happen to him just so Xylo or someone can save him. In this oneshot Riccaro will take the corruption from Drannus and he will be a little bit more hyper. Xylo will notice the change and try to stop it but he just ends up waiting till Riccaro tires himself out. Now onto the oneshot.

Riccaro POV
I was walking back from asking Momiji out until I saw someone with purple hair. A new friend I can make. I go up to him and say, "Hi, I'm Riccaro!" "Oh you're Riccaro the son of Set right? I am Drannus a fellow demon. I heard you ask Momiji out right?" "Yes I am the son of set and I'm glad there is another demon and Yes I did ask ojt Momiji." "Well beware I corrupted her the only way to get rid of it is for me to corrupt someone else." "Is Momiji in danger?" "Very much so. She could become an enemy to everyone here." "Well what if I took the corruption?" "I could allow that. Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure I dont want Momiji to be hurt in anyway." "Well okay." I see something swirl around me and all of a sudden I blacked out. Wants I woke up I looked at my reflection and saw I was even more red. Man I feel really energized. Maybe I'll go for a run.

Author POV
Wants Riccaro started his run he ran into a few people. For instance Solis. "Hey Riccaro want to hang out?" "Yes let's go to the park come on." Riccaro grabbed Solis hand and started to run to the park. "Where did all this energy come from?" "I dont know the only thing I remember is being hit with a corruption. Momiji had the corrultion and I took it away from her." To bad they failed to notice the whole camp heard that. Bryan grabbed Riccaro while he was trying to run. "Riccaro whk gave you the corruption?" "I dont know." Even though Bryam had a death grip on Riccaro he still got pit and started to run again. This caused the big chase. Everyone tried to catch Riccaro. Davis got a net but caught Moto and Lychee instead. Momiji even for her being a fox couldn't out speed him. Through this madness Xylo was drinking tea. "Why dont you help Xylo he is your kid." Xylo looked over at Mario. "The kid will tire himself out just watch."

~A few minutes later~
Everyone just sat down exhausted. They all looked at Xylo when he began to count down. "5...4...3...2...1..." they heard a crash and saw Riccaro sound a sleep. "How did you know Xylo?" "Riccaro stayed awake for 2 days long and he was really tired to begin with so I knew he would ware himself out." Everyone looked impressed.

Hope you enjoy and see you in the next oneshot.

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