Riccaro and Pumpkin Spice Latte?

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Ight so the bean will now be a Pumpkin Spice Latte addict so enjoy.

Lychee POV
Today's the day I introduce Riccaro to my parents. Hoepfully they like him. I walk on a path and see Riccaro. "Hey Riccaro are you ready to meet my parents?" "Yes, but since you're middle bro does that make them my parents?" I looked at him and said, "We'll see if they like you." Wants we got to the house I opened the door and sneakily went in the house with Riccaro. I saw my dad and mom on the couch cuddling. "Mom. Dad. This is Riccaro." "Hi I'm Riccaro!" My parents looked at him until my mom screamed. "HE IS NOW MY CHILD I SHALL LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART!" "Hi I'm Riccaro!" Riccaro says happily to Daveed. Brandeen seemed concerned and said, "I dont think you can legally adopt him." Daveed got on his knees and begged for Brandeen to allow Riccaro to be their son. Brandeen signed and aaid whatever. Riccaro beemed like a child and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the couch. We sat down and Daveed said we should play Uno. So we got on the floor and played uno. Somehow Riccaro had a full hand of plus 4s and plus 2s and skips. We think the cards cheated cause he is bean. After that it was almost time for bed until Daveed said, "Riccaro have you ever had Pumpkin Spice Latte before." My dad almost flipped his lid knowing what was about to happen. "No I have never had Pumpkin Spice Latte. Can I have some?" Daveed squealed and just said yes. Daveed got the dreaded Pumpkin Spice Latte and gave it to Riccaro. Now this would of been fine if he didn't give him a grande. "THIS IS SO GOOD I WANT MORE." Riccaro says bouncing off the walls from a sugar high. I just laughed while my dad started to regret agreeing to this. Daveed smiled and gave him more. Lets just say none of us got any sleep because the Pumpkin Spice Latte kids were up all night until Riccaro had a sugar crash. Our family was more enjoyable now that Riccaro can take Daveed's attention away from my dad so, I can spend more time with my dad. I start to laugh evily knowing my dad will pay more attention to me.

Oof evil Lychee at it again trying to get Daveed out of the picture. Anyways don't question why I keep using Uno as a game. Anyways have a good day and see you in the next oneshot.

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