Solis x Cassi

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In this oneshot Solis will be going on his date and Magnus wanted to know if they were right about Solis going on a date. Inpu didn't believe it so he came along. In the end Inpu had to give up $50. Now onto the oneshot.

Magnus POV
After the bet we made we waited for Solis to get back. When he got back he didn't even look at us and went to his room. "I dont think he got the date." I was about to pull 50 bucks out until Solis came down saying he was going out. Me and Inpu looked at eachother and followed Solis. We saw him go to Greeks side and saw him knock on a cabin. All of a sudden Cassi comes out. I look over at Inpu and smirked. "I bet you an extra $50 that this date will go wrong." I just laughed I'm about to have $100 cause of this. Wants Solis and Cassi left we followed them into the woods (what a great movie that was.) As we followed them they came into a clearing. This clearing had flowers everywhere it looked like a picture in the fairy tale books. I was impressed with his date location. As me and Inpu stepped into a bush hiding ourselves we both peeked out and saw Solis pull out the chair for her. "So far so good ready to pay me that $100?" "Nope I'm going to obviously win and earn my $50 back." I just rolled my eyes. We look back and saw that Solis and Cassi were dancing to a slow song. This is so cute omg.

Inpu POV
As I was watching there date I made a mental note of this place so I can bring Jyles and Bryan here. Magnus was getting smugged about their soon to be $100 but sadly that was not going to come I'll make sure of it. As we were watching everything was going perfect I tried to throw a rock at Cassi but it misses and Solis skips it in the water. Magnus knew I tried to ruin it and they just quietly laughed. After that the two begin to pack up until Solis says, "You guys can stop watching now." We both went out and were shocked that they knew we were there. "How?" I heard Magnus say. "Well Cassi could sense you guys she also saw Inpu's tail." "I told you that you should of hid your tail." I just signed and looked down. After the two left and its me and Magnus they hold out there hand. I pulled my wallet out and gave them $100. RIP my money.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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