Dont leave me alone

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So this does have a TW it includes thoughts of suicide, cutting abandonment, and blood lets get on with the story

Michael POV
Me and Ritchie were on a quest that Austin couldn't do. Ritchie kept yapping away. I swear he can be a pain in the butt. "Hey Michael what exactly are we looking for?" "Were looking for an artifact now lets hurry up and get this over with." I generally didn't mean to sound rude but I have a bad headache and don't want to be bothered. "Fine grumpy pants." That was the last straw. "I GIVE UP! I'M DONE WITH YOUR RITCHIE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I'M YOUR FRIEND. ALL YOU EVER DO IS TALK TALK AND TALK. I'M LEAVING AND I'M NOT COMING BACK. DON'T EVEN TALK TO ME AFTER YOU FIND THAT STUPID ARTIFACT YOURSELF!" I looked at him and saw fear but he covered it with a smile real quick and said, "Ok Michael thanks for being my friend." I left and went back to camp.

Ritchie POV
After he left I started to cry. But I knew I needed to find that artifact. I caomed myself down and got back up again. I won't let Michael bring me down. I put on a brave face even though I knew I was scared and terrified. I walked th endless halls until I saw the artifact. I was about to grab it till a monster came infront of me. "I sense your fear. Did someone leave you all alone." I didn't say anything. "Oh yea he said something like I can't believe I'm your friend." I still didn't say anything knowing he feeds off fear. "You know no one truley cares for you maybe you should just end it. But here's the artifact just think about what I said." I grabbed the artifact and left crying unknown to me the monster was happy that he gave me an artifact that will make people depressed. Wants i got back Kayla told me I could keep it. She saw the look on my face and instantly knew what happened. "Hey its fine Michael didn't mean it he's just having a bad day." I looked at the artifact and said "No..NO he did mean it he never cared about me no one cared about me. I'd be better off dead." Kayla looked sad and tried to comfort me but I ran all the way to my cabin. I started to cut myself. Someone busted in the door after 8 deep cuts on my wrists and legs.

Michael POV
I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Kayla. She looked mad. "Michael, Ritchie is badly depressed he just said he would be better off dead." I just looked at her until I remembered the first thing he told me was him being terrified of being abandoned. I ran past Kayla all the way to Ritchie's cabin. Austin saw me and wondered what was happening. I noticed Ritchie's cabin wasn't locked so I opened it. When I went in I saw an unconcious Ritchie with 8 deep wounds. Austin to my surprised pushed me out the door grabbed Ritchie and took him to the infirmary. I got Kayla to help with his wounds. Wants his wounds were packed up Austin left to find Bri while Kayla left to get Daisy. I stayed there waiting for Ritchie to wake up. Want's he did he looked at me then started to cry. I hugged him and it eneded with us both crying. "I'm sorry Ritchie I didn't mean to hurt you... I just wasn't having a good day and took it out on you. Please forgive me." "I'll forgive you but I won't forget. The pain is still there and it always will be." He said sadly. I just hugged him until we both fell asleep.

Author POV
The monster that Ritchie saw smiled at the sight and left the real artifact in the fake ones place.

So that tugged my heart strings badly. I think that might be either the first or second best sad one I made. Well leave a comment on who you want to see next I also might do OOO s2 as vines because why not. Well cya in the next oneshot.

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