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2b's POV

"Still no response from anyone?" I asked 9s

"We got a couple of androids who are coming to us but other than that no." replied 9s

"Any sign of the machines moving?" asked A2

"Not yet." replied 9s

"Strange." I whispered, "It's been two weeks since we transmitted the signal and yet still no response from the machines?"

"They might be forming up who knows." replied 9s

"9s is right, they may be gathering their forces for an all out attack." implied Avery

"We won't stand a change then." said 9s

"We have to come up with a plan." I implied

"Let's go to Anemone to set up a plan." said A2

We head back to camp where Anemone and Creed were at a table talking about something.

"Anemone, we may need to come up with a plan." I said to Anemone

"That's what we were just talking about." replied Anemone

Creed turns and looked at us but immediately turns back around, avoiding eye contact with Avery.

"I have something to do, I'll be right back." said Creed as he turns and leaves us.

"Where's he going?" I ask

"I sent him on a mission back in the desert." replied Anemone

"Alone?" I asked

Anemone nodded in response.

"Shouldn't you have sent someone with him?" asked Avery, "You don't know what he might do."

"I trust him, he's going to get the mission done." replied Anemone

"You're trusting the wrong person, he's probably out there looking for a way to escape." said Avery

"Then I'll go follow him, it should be fine right?" interrupts A2

I looked at A2 who just stood there looking at us with an expressionless face.

"I don't see a problem there." said Anemone

"I'll trail behind him and report everything he does." replied A2

A2 was about to leave but Avery stops her.

"Do me a favor though." said Avery

A2 looks at Avery with an eyebrow raised.

"Kill him if he does anything that puts us in danger." said Avery

"What?" I asked

"He's a liability and I don't trust him." said Avery

"But you can't just kill the last man standing in this planet." I said

"Proposal to A2, arrest Creed if he does anything dangerous." said Pod 042

"We can interrogate him if he does anything that can put us in danger." said 9s

"Fine, but I'll be the one interrogating him." said Avery

A2 leaves the camp while Avery goes to her apartment.

"So, about the plan." said Anemone

"We have a couple of androids coming our way to stay with us." said 9s

"Yes, but we may also have some machine activity." I added

"They're most likely going to come from the desert so the only way here is through the south western part." said Anemone

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