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Creed's POV

My eyes flutter open when I feel 2B waking me up.

"Creed wake up."

I groan and stretch out my arms and slowly sit up.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Creed." she replied

I yawn and get off the bed and smile at 2B who was holding onto my arm.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked

"Yea, I haven't slept well in a long time." I smiled

2B nodded and smiled at me.

I cooked some fish for both me and 2B, she enjoyed it a lot and it was cute watching her carefully eat.

"So training today right?" I asked

"Well I want to take you to this place before training with 9S, A2 and Avery if she chooses to come along." said 2B

"Okay where to?" I asked

1 hour later

"Wow..." I whispered

We were in a cave that was filled with white glowing flowers. Avery agreed to come along but we kept our distance. I picked up a flower and examined it, the flowers were bright that it light up the cave in a light blue dim light.

"These flowers are called Lunar Tears." said 9S

"These are so, beautiful." said Avery

"I've never seen anything like these back then, not even close." I said

I kneeled down and examined them more. They were so attractive and attention grabbing that I couldn't take my eyes off of them.

I saw 2B examine one so I got up and gently placed the flower on her ear. She looked at me with curiosity, so I just smiled.

"They look nice on you." I complemented

"Thank you." she replied smiling

9S looked at 2B confused for a second but smiled.

"2B you smiled!" happily exclaimed 2B

"Huh, I did?" asked 2B emotionlessly

"Yes you did I just saw it." replied 9S

'She wiped that smile off so fast.'

A2 and Avery looked at the three of us with emotionless faces so I just smiled and continued looking at the flowers.

"2B, 9S and A2 with have a mission, come back to the resistance camp." said Anemone through the transponder

"Understood on our way." replied 2B

We left the cave and headed back towards the resistance camp where Anemone was waiting.

"It's Pascal he needs our help with some power malfunction there." said Anemone

"Who's Pascal?" I asked

"A machine." replied A2

"Machine? Aren't they the bad guys?" I asked

"Some machines began to become independent and started acting more like a human." replied 9S

"He'll probably ask for some batteries so here they are." said Anemone as she hands us some battery packs.

"We'll leave right now." said 2B

'I guess 2B was the leader. How did I not know that?'

We left the camp and headed to the Forest Kingdom. I haven't been here so it was new for me. I examined the big trees and wild life until we got to this huge tree house looking place filled with machines. I was quick to respond and aimed my gun but A2 put her hand on my gun.

"They're on our side, don't worry." she said

I lowered my gun and looked at the machines and noticed something unusual about them. One they had green eyes, and two they were, playing? Some machines were sliding down a slide, some playing with sand.

'What the fuck is going on here.'

We made our way into the tree house and I noticed we got the attention of the entire village. The machines were looking at us but with curiosity? We climbed up some ladders but I couldn't get my eyes off of the machines around me. We approached this odd looking machine who was talking.

"Ah, 2B, 9S, A2, I'm glad you three could make it." said the machine

The machines looks at me and Avery and gasps.

"Who are these two?" asked the machine

"Pascal, I want you to meet Creed Dominic and Avery Reyes, the two last human beings on Earth."

The machine who was Pascal gasped and chatter filled the air by the machines.

"A human lives, oh what joy is this!" exclaimed Pascal, "My name is Pascal and I'm the leader of this village."

"Uhhh hey." I greeted waving my hand

"This is delightful!" Pascal seemed to be happy

"Anemone told us to give these battery packs to you." said 2B as she hands him the battery packs

"Ahh thank you so much, these will help us." said Pascal

"Then we will be leaving Pascal." said 2B

"Be safe, make sure to visit us." said Pascal

I smile and just wave and we began to leave but the some machines blocked my path.

"Play with us!" they exclaimed

"P-play?" I was utterly shocked

They pointed at the slide and gestured me over. I look at 9S who smiles and nods. I sigh and head over to the slide and just slide down with embarrassment.

"Yayyyy, thank you!" exclaimed the machines

I get up and cover my face in embarrassment. Avery seemed so fine it amusing and smirked a bit. A2 and 2B were both emotionless but 9S congratulated me.

"9S you could stop it's kind of embarrassing." I said

We left the village and headed back toward the resistance camp.

"Hey Creed you seem to be close with 2B." said 9S

"Yea well, she's my friend and I teacher." I replied

"You seemed to have changed her a lot." said 9S

"Come on Nines, you changed her a lot from the start. You were her longest partner. She can not stop talking about you and your adventures together." I said

"I know, but still you made her smile and that's great. You're a good friend." said 9S

I chuckled and patted his head.

"You're a great friend too Nines." I said whole smiling

We got to the the resistance camp and Anemone was waiting there for us.

"Pascal told us he got the batteries." said Anemone

"Yes he did and he was overjoyed to see humans." said 9S

"Of course he'll be." said a voice behind us

I turn around to see Jackass standing there.

'I can never get over her name.'

"What are you doing here, Jackass?" I asked

"Just taking the day off." she replied

"Jackass, can you watch over Creed, 2B, 9S and A2 have a separate mission." asked Anemone

"Uggghhh sure, like I got things to do." groaned Jackass

"What mission?" asked 2B

"Let's talk about that later when Creed and Avery leave." replied Anemone

Avery leaves so I leave with Jackass.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked

"Nothing, go do whatever you want but don't fucking bother me." said Jackass


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