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2B's POV

I jumped down the cliff and sliced a machine in half. I began to sprint and killed any machine that stood in my way, A2 and 9S right next to me. The others were behind me, giving me fire support and cover. Machines started gathering around so I ran faster and back kicked the first one and he exploded when it crashed into a pipe. I swung my sword upwards and started slicing a machine everywhere. I threw my sword at two machines as they blocked my way. A machine with a bullet proof shield came running at me so I dodged to the side and sliced it in half.

"2B, A2, 9S, Avery, Boris. We'll take care of things outside, get inside and retrieve Creed." said Anemone

I nodded at A2 and we dashed towards the main control room. We sliced and cut our way through the machine's lines while 9S was busy hacking and Avery and Boris were popping their heads with their guns.

My Pod shot his laser beam at two steel doors in front of us causing an explosion. We dashed inside and there were dead machines who got caught in the explosion. Boris and Avery quickly turned around and shot the remaining machines running after us. I jumped up and kicked a machine with both of my legs. The machine crashes into another machine and explodes. The factory was big and I had no idea where Creed was located.

"Pod where's Creed?" I asked

"At the top of the factory where the control room is." replied my Pod

I ran up the long staircase, hoping that Creed was still alive.

I got to a platform and standing in my way were three Goliath bipeds. By this point I was mad at the fact that my love was being held and tortured by the merciless machines.

"Stay out of my way!" I yelled

I dashed and threw my sword at the middle Goliath so hard that it went right through it killing it instantly. A2 cut off the arms and legs of the other one and then it's head while 9S hacked into the last one.

'I'm coming Creed, just hang in there.'

Creed's POV

'Goddammit, they're not supposed to be here!'

I struggled on my chains but to no use. My body feels like it's on fire from the electrocution I received every minute. Now the machines who were guarding my cell left to join the battle against the invading androids.

The distant booms and gunshots could be heard from here. I just hope that I get out of my bounds and warn them about an immediate danger before it kills us all. I could hear the distant gunshots get louder every minute that passes by.

"2B GET OUT OF HERE!" I tried yelling but to no effect

I continued to struggle with my chains until I heard my name being called.

2B's POV

"I'll stay here and cover our backs." said Avery

I nodded and got to the top floor with the rest and I looked around for Creed.

"Creed!" I called out


I looked to my left and saw Creed hanging on the ceiling with his hands tied on top of him.


"2B you have to get the hell out of here!" he yelled at me

"I'm not leaving you." I replied

I kicked open the door, breaking it and entered the cell.

"2B you don't understand, I heard the machines. It fucking talks, it said something about a virus." said Creed

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