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2b's POV

I looked at the fish as it was frying on top of the fire. I put the fish on a stick so that I don't burn my hand. I thought the fish was finished so I took the stick and brought it back to the tent and gave it to Creed. But Creed seemed to have a shocked face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"Well uhhh, the fish is burnt." chuckled Creed

"So you can't eat it burnt?" I asked

"Well, no you can't." replied Creed

Creed gets up from his bed but I immediately stop him.

"You need rest, I'll just try again." I said

"No, it's fine, I'll teach you how to do it." said Creed

We weakly walks out of the tent and I follow him to the stream.

"You were able to catch a fish, how did you do it?" asked Creed

Pod 042 gives me a rod from his infinite storage and Creed looked shocked.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked

"From my infinite storage." said Pod 042

"Ahh I see." said Creed, "So, show me what you did."

I threw the string attached to the rod and waited for a fish to get caught by the hook. I waited about 5 minutes until finally the string pulled and I immediately pulled the rod and the fish came out attached to the hook.

"Good job." complemented Creed

"Oh thanks." I quickly replied

I felt my chest start to throb again and I also felt my cheeks heat up a bit. I quickly shook my head and grabbed the fish and stuck a stick in its mouth and went over to the fire with Creed.

"So let it sit in the fire a bit and make sure you cook each side of the fish properly." said Creed

I did exactly as he said. I rotated the fish every 30 seconds, being cautious in cooking so that I don't burn it.

"Okay now look at the fish." said Creed

I looked at the fish and I noticed it had a different color.

"See how the color changed, that's when you know it's done." said Creed

"But how come the burnt one isn't done?" I asked

"Burnt isn't good for my health." said Creed, "Not that I don't appreciate you actually doing this for me, but it's just not good for anyone."

He smiled at me for the first time and my face flushed and I couldn't think straight.

"Hey 2b are you okay?" asked Creed

He touched my forehead which caught me off guard and I felt my chest throb even more.

"Ye-yes, I'm f-fine." I stuttered as I quickly hand him the stick with the fish.

"Oh okay, thanks a lot for this." he smiled again

He takes the stick and starts eating the fish carefully, blowing it to cool it down. I watched his expression carefully, he seemed to be enjoying the fish a lot.

"Hey, want to do more cooking?" asked Creed

"Uhhh, sure." I replied

"Okay, wait here, I need to get my gear." said Creed

He went back to the camp and I waited for him. I touched my chest and I could feel the throbbing in my chest.

'What is this feeling?'

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