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15 minutes ago

Avery's POV

"Black box signal detected, 200 meters away." said Pod 153

I crept through this forest kingdom, cautious of my environment. Wild animals were running around, I even came across this place where it looked like a village that was destroyed. I saw a hut a few meters so I slowly approached it.

"Black box detected inside." said Pod 153

I put my HK G28 and pulled out my Glock 17 and slowly opened the door. I entered the hut but there was nothing in there.

"Black box signal is coming from the bed." said Ood 153

I looked over the bed and saw a body covered by a blanket.

"Is he turned off?" I asked

"Yes he is." replied Pod 153

I threw off the blanket and I gasped.

"Why does he look like Nines?" I asked

"They are the same model, making them have the same appearance." replied Pod 153

I examined him but he was a bit different from Nines, he had black hair and a bit of a smaller nose and a thinner lip, he doesn't really remind me of Gally.

"Wake him up." I said

Pod 153 starts working and soon the android wakes up and gasps when he sees me.

"Calm down." I snapped

"Who are you and why do you have 9S' Pod." he asked

"You know Nines?" I asked

"Yes, he and I are the same type of YoRHa android, scouts." he replied

"Look my name is Avery Reyes and I don't know how long you've been asleep so let me explain. I'm a human being, I know it might be hard to believe but I am and I need your help." I said

He looks at me as if he's looking at a ghost but he just nods his head.

"Every android out there is infected and I need your help. Do you think you can help?" I asked again

He nods so I led him outside and led him back towards our rendezvous point.

"So are you the only human that's alive?" he asked

"No, there were three of us, but one was killed." I replied

"I'm sorry." he replied

I ignored that part and we continued walking.

"What's the other human's name?" he asked

"Creed Dominic." I replied, "I realized that I didn't get your name."

"I'm 4S." he replied

"Let me guess you want to be called Fours?" I asked

"No not really." he replied

'Nines' so much better than you.'

When we got there Creed was panting hard, sweating like he just ran a marathon.

"Creed what happened?" I asked

"Bumped into trouble." he panted

"I brought the uninfected android." I said

Creed looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"He looks like Nines." he said

"We're the same model but call me 4S." said 4S

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