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Creed's POV

"They shouldn't be able to get our heart beat from here." said Avery

I gasp for air, my hands on my knees breathing hard. We ran as far away as we could in order to stay hidden. I sat down against a tree and took a sip of my water from my bag.

"Boris, he's dead, A2 killed him." I whispered

"Oh god." sighed Avery

No matter how much I didn't like that guy, he was still on our side, just like what 9S said.

"What now?" I asked

"We find out how to fix this." said Avery

I sighed and that seemed to piss off Avery.

"What are you going to run away again?" she asked

"What no of course not I just don't know where to start." I replied

She grabs the collar of my vest and lifts me up until we are face level.

"Creed, I want to forget that day so badly. But I can't every time I look at you." said Avery

She looks up and into my eyes.

"But this was a new start. Nines, I wanted to make happy and joyful memories with him. But every time, every single time you are with Nines I just can't stop thinking about how you might abandon him again." continued Avery

Her eyes began to water and she started crying.

"I swear, if I lose Nines because of you again I'll ducking kill you, you understand?" asked Avery

"I swear I won't abandon, we're not losing any of them." I replied

She looks at me and let's me go and wipes away her tears.

"Avery, I'm sorry about Gally. I really am and I know no matter how many times I apologize you won't forgive me. If that's the punishment then I'll bear it but I am terribly sorry." I apologized

She looks at me and looks away from me.

"If you're really sorry, save Nines." she replied

I nodded and she sighed.

"Pod what's this virus?" asked Avery

"Unidentified virus, but it seems to effect every android both YoRHa and androids alike." said Pod 153

"So everyone is infected?" I asked

"Yes that is correct." replied Pod 153

"Not a single one that is not infected." I groaned

"No I've just detected a black box that is not infected." said Pod 042

"What where?" asked Avery

"Location cannot be pinpointed." replied Pod 042

"So what now?" I asked

"We should try hitting the camp now before everyone goes back there." said Avery

"And what?" I asked

"Gather some materials?" Avery made it sound like an obvious answer

"Fine then I'll go get the materials while you look for that android." I said

"Don't run away." said Avery

"I won't." I replied

"Creed here is your scarf." said Pod 042

He summons my scarf and I take it and wrap it around my neck. I nod at Avery and we separate our ways.


15 minutes later

"Devola, Popola, Operator 21O and Operator 6O all infected."

I sighed and aimed my gun at Operator 21O. I had my finger on the trigger but my aim wasn't steady cause I was shaking. I quickly aimed away and shot a nearby pan making a sound, getting the attention of the infected androids.

I crept through the buildings avoiding open space and contact with the infected. I made it to the ammunition room and grabbed some mags that were full, some frags and some diversion lures. I put them in my bag and my pocket trying to carry as much as I could. I then went to the main heart beat sensor device and cut some wires so that I won't work.

Once I finished I crept back into the building and went to my room. I entered it and grabbed some fresh bandages just in case.

I exited the building and made my way back to the rendezvous point which was where we were before we separated our ways. I was about to exit the camp until I saw Operator 21O blocking the entrance. I quietly approached her from behind and knocked her out by hitting the back of her head with the butt of my gun and she collapsed onto the ground.

"Sorry." I whispered

I ran off and headed back but with all the stuff in my bag I was pretty slow. I turned into an alley and I was about to exit but a bunch of androids started running past the alley in front of me. I quickly stopped and leaned against the wall until everyone ran by me. I exited the alley and continued to run but then I crashed into someone. I fell backwards and when I looked up I ducked down just in time to avoid getting decapitated.

Jackass lunged towards me with her sword trying to stab me so I spun around and elbowed the back of her head knocking her out cold.

"Sorry." I whispered,"Pod carry her body and put it somewhere safe."

Pod 042 carries her body and I continue to run away but then I hear a gunshot and a bullet hits a wall next to me. I quickly take cover behind a wall before the next bullet hits me. I peek up and looked around until I saw a muzzle flash on the roof of a building and a bullet hits the wall.

'300 meters away.'

I took a deep breath and got up and started shooting the roof giving myself time to run away. I entered a building and hid there for a few seconds trying to catch my breath. But I heard footsteps outside so I hid underneath a window but I peeked over and saw 2B with her glowing red eyes. I lowered my head and took a deep breath but when I looked back up she's not there.

I looked around the street but she was nowhere to be seen. But that's when something hits my head and I fall down onto the ground. Something grabs my ankle and pulls me deeper into the building. Whatever was pulling me stopped and let go but kicked me in the stomach. I roll over and look up to see 2B's face standing over me. She brings down her sword so I block it with my sword.

"2B it's me!" I tried calling out

But her eye stayed the same and her expression didn't change a bit. She kicks my stomach, launching me away. I cried out in pain but I had to ignore it so I got up and climbed out of the window and ran as fast as I could.

"Pod, distract her!" I yelled

She starts shooting at her with his machine gun.

"No, don't kill her. I meant to destroy a building and let the debris prevent her from chasing me." I said

Pod 042 aims at a building and shoots his laser and debris starts falling down creating a blockade for 2B.

"Thanks now time to head back."

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