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2 weeks later

2B's POV

He still hasn't woken up. It's been two long weeks and Creed hasn't moved one bit.

"Is he okay?" I asked Devola

"2B he's fine you've been asking that question for the past two weeks." replied Devola

"Be patient 2B, I'm sure he'll wake up." added Popola

The twins checked Creed's status and left the tent leaving me alone with Creed. I held his hand in my hands and squeezed gently.

"Please wake up Creed. I want to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you." I sobbed

No response from Creed. I sighed and wiped the tears and got up and kissed him on the lips.

"Please wake up Creed, I need you." I whispered


I looked over to see A2 at the entrance of the tent.

"Anemone needs us."

I nodded and with one last look at Creed I left the tent.

Creed's POV

'Why can't I move? Why am I in complete darkness?'

I tried moving with all my strength and finally I was able to move my fingers a bit. I slowly started to make progress and I soon was able to open my eyes and I saw a bright beam of sunlight hit my eyes. But once my eyes opened I had a splitting headache so I grabbed my forehead and the headache eased.

'Where am I?'

I looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of tent. I sat up and looked at my arms because something felt off about it. But then I heard something crash like something dropped onto the floor. I looked up and saw a beautiful woman with white hair in a black dress with a blindfold and covering her mouth in surprise.

"Uhhh so-"

I got cut off when she lunges towards me scaring me but she hugs me. She then starts sobbing on my shoulder.

"You're finally awake." she sobbed

I was so confused that I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off of me.

"Sorry but who are you?" I asked

2B's POV

"Sorry but who are you?" asked Creed

Those words hit me like someone just shot me.

"You don't remember me?" I quietly asked

He looked worried and shook his head. I began to sob on his bed, soaking my visors.

"Hey hey hey no need to cry." said Creed

I heard others come into the tent and I could hear gasps coming from the people.

"Creed you're awake!" cheered Nines

"2B's so happy she's crying." said Avery

"Everyone hold up!" yelled Creed

Everyone backs up a bit in confusion and fear.

"What's wrong?" asked Anemone

"I'm sorry but who are you people?" asked Creed

Everyone looks at Creed as if he was joking but looking at his serious face made them a bit worried.

"Avery what happened to him? He doesn't remember me." I said

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