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Creed's POV

"We need to develop the cure?" I asked

"Yes it might not be easy but we can make it by tomorrow." replied 4S

"Okay what's the cure?" I asked

"Well, it's pretty complicated. When I was inside of 9S I had to kill him." said 4S

"You already told us that part but I still don't understand." I replied

"We are the virus, the virus infected our main part of the android mind. Memories." said Nines

"So, if we do find a cure would that cause 2B to lose her memories?" I asked

"No." replied 4S

"So this cure is gonna kill the host and the virus from the inside?" asked Avery

"No it's just gonna kill the virus but the virus is the host." I said

"Then why are you saying it's going to kill the host?" asked Avery

"Well, not the host entirely but just the virus in the mind." I replied

"So the host in the mind is not actually the host, am I right?" asked Avery

"Yes." replied Nines

"So this cure, how can we make it?" I asked

"Just my transmission screen and Pod 153." replied Nines

"Wait is the cure going to be an injection?" I asked

"No, we are going to upload it into the hive mind of the virus." replied Nines

"The hive mind? That's, tough." I replied

"How are you going to upload it with just your transmission?" I asked

"Hacking." replied Nines

I look at Nines and raised my eyebrow.

"How long is the hacking going to take?" I asked

"I don't know." he replied

I sighed and just nodded so Nines and 4S immediately got to work.

"Once we have the cure, we're going straight back to that factory." said Avery

"Understood." I replied

"This will be easy for us cause no one's there." she said

"Got it." I replied

"But I do have a mission for you." said Avery

"Mission?" I questioned

"Yes, I want you to go get me something from my room." she replied

"Wait with all due respect, why can't you get it yourself?" I asked

"Cause you're the best at stealth." she replied

I looked at her but nodded cause there was nothing else to do in this cave.

"What do you want me to get you?" I asked

"A picture of Gally and I." she replied

I stayed silent and looked down at the ground.

"It's the last piece of memory of him so please treat it like you're rescuing Gally." she continued

I nodded and left the cave once I grabbed my stuff from my room.

"Pod 042 you know what to do right?" I asked

"Understood." he replied

Pod 042 left to aid 4S and I left alone. I made my way back to City Ruins and took some detours through the buildings but then I noticed that not a single android was here.

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