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Creed's POV

"Are we even familiar with this part of the entire region?" I asked

"No that's why I'm mapping this out." replied Jackass

"Damn swamp." I complained

The swamp was knee high making it really hard for us to walk especially cause there were roots and other shit in the water. We've been walking for at least 6 hours with no rest and during those 6 hours, Jackass enjoyed having me as her company. She wasn't that bad as a friend but she was very clingy. I tripped over something but Jackass grabbed the back of my cloak and pulled me back up.

"Careful." said Jackass while smiling

"Thanks." I replied

I had to carry my cloak so that it wouldn't get wet. I hated it so much here, I could feel my socks drenched in my boots.

"Finally some land." said Jackass

I climbed out of the swamp onto dry land.

"We should rest here." said Jackass

I grabbed some wood and started a fire. I looked at my pants and they were soaking wet.

"Take them off so they could dry." said Jackass

I took off my boots and my socks and put them near the fire. I sat near the fire so that I could dry my pants. I take out an energy bar and hand one to Jackass.

"Thanks." smiled Jackass

She takes a seat next to me and eats her energy bar.

"How much longer?" I asked

"I don't know I've never been there, but looking at the strength of the beacon I'm thinking like another 8 hours." replied Jackass, "I guess that gives me more time to hang out with you."

Jackass leaned towards me but I immediately backed away.

"Uhhh look I know you like me but I don't think I ever like you back in that way." I replied

Jackass scoffed and sat back down.

"I think it'll be better if we remained as friends." I said, "You're a good friend after all."

Jackass smiled and leaned against a tree.

"Well I guess I have to try harder to win your heart." said Jackass

"Well I uhh don't think that's possible." I replied

Jackass chuckled and closed her eyes.

"Get some sleep." she replied

"Androids sleep?" I asked

"No we shut down." she replied

"Oh ok but who'll take the first watch?" I asked

"I will." she replied

"Okay wake me up when it's my turn." I replied


2 hours later

"Creed wake up." Jackass shook me awake

I groaned and sat up looking around confused.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked

"2 hours." she replied, "Enough for me to completely mark you."

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