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I ran to the main computer and got to work.

"Pod 153 hack now." I ordered

She starts scanning but something wasn't right cause she was taking too long.

"There is a security system I cannot bypass on my own." said Pod 153

"So what do we do?" I asked

"Proposal, we have to enter the hive mind." replied Pod 153

"But wouldn't I get infected after?" I asked

"No the cure will destroy the virus completely so you will not be infected." said Pod

"Then let's do it, Pod 042 cover our backs." I said

I closed my eyes and then when I opened them up again we were inside the computer. Everything around us was white like always.

"We have to hurry in order to save the others." I said

I ran down a path and I saw block shaped arrows so I ran at them as they noticed me and started shooting at me. I dodged most of the bullets and started slashing my way though the enemies. My Pod shot her Gatling gun as my support and took out all the arrows with me.

"Is that it?" I asked

"No, this is only the first blockade." replied Pod 153

"How many blockades are there?"

"Scanning, there are 8 blockades."

"8 blockades?!"

I sighed but kept running straight down the path.

Creed's POV

I clutched my cut on my arm as blood streamed out from it.

'Damn it, I won't be able to last.'

I looked up as 2B approached me, her sword dripping with my blood. I quickly grabbed a bandage and just wrapped it around my shoulder. I grabbed my one and only pain killer I had and injected it into my arm.

"Die." growled 2B

She swings her sword down but I raise my sword up and blocked it. She swings her sword down multiple times, every hit gets stronger and my arms were getting weaker. So when she raises her sword up again I lunged at grabbed her stomach. I tackled her to the floor but that was a mistake cause she punches my face and rolls over and now she's on top of me. She raises her he sword and tries stabbing my neck but I moved my head to the side as the sword hit the floor next to me. She raises her sword again but this she grabs my hair so that I can't move my head to avoid it.


Before she could she stab me I bridged up my waist forcing her to lose balance and fell off of me. I grabbed my sword and got back into fighting stance.

'Nines, hurry up.'

Avery's POV

A2 was tough, I couldn't even lay a scratch on her. Even with 4S we were struggling to even catch her off guard. And it wasn't because we lacked teamwork, our teamwork wasn't bad it was just that she was too fast.

She kicks 4S' face to the ground and tries to impale him but I tried to slash her but she blocks it and does a spinning hook kick to my face. I fall to the floor but when I look up I see A2 stomp her foot on 4S' chest pinning him to the floor. I tackle her to the ground allowing 4S to get up and fight A2 with me.

I smashed my sword against her sword but she blocks it with ease and tries to slash at my neck but I lean back and 4S managed to slash her arm. She stumbles back and clutches her arm, her face showing signs of pain. She stops clutching her arm to reveal a bloody hand and a cut but not too deep.

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