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2b's POV

I pant as I collapsed onto my knees, using my sword to help me steady myself.

"We won." whispered 9s

The battle was over, we won. Not a single machines was alive as most of them lay destroyed. Most of us were tired and the rest of the Resistance camp came to help us. Creed walks over to me and he grabs one of my arms and puts it over his shoulder, helping me stand up.

"You did good." he whispered

He helped me get to the Resistance camp which was mostly empty cause most of the androids were outside helping the others. We enter a tent and he helps me lay down on a bed.

 "Get some rest, I'll be back with others." said Creed

He starts heading out of the tent but he suddenly collapses onto the floor.

"Creed!" I called out

I got off the bed and quickly picked him and laid him on my lap, holding his head against my chest.

"Creed is hungry and thirsty." said Pod 042

"What does he need?" I asked

"Proposal get water immediately." replied Pod 942

"Creed stay with me." I said

Creed mumbles something but I couldn't tell what he was saying. I tried to lay him down on the bed and removed his vest.

"I'll get some water just hang in there." I told Creed

Creed slowly nods and I ran out of the tent and headed for the stream. 

"Pod give me a bottle or a cup." 

Pod 042 just takes out a cup from his infinite storage and I fill it up with water. I headed back to the camp and gave Creed the water. He slowly drinks it and finishes everything in the cup.

"Thanks." he faintly whispers

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"I'll be fine, go back out there and help the others." he whispered

"I'm not leaving you in this state." I quickly replied

"There are others who need your help a lot more." he whispered back

I look at him as his were closed and his breathing was shallow.

"Plus, I'll live for another day." said Creed

"I'll be back then just get some rest." I said

"Yes ma'am." whispered Creed

I left the tent and hurried back to the battlefield to help the others. Avery was there helping out a wounded android get onto a stretcher.

"Avery." I called out

"Hey I didn't see you before what happened?" she asked

"Oh Creed helped me get back to the camp." I replied

"Creed's alive?" asked Avery as she looked at me confused.

"Yes." I replied, "But he's not doing so well." I said

"What do you mean?" she asked

"He's hungry." I replied

Avery looked at me and sighed.

"I'm going to go check on him." said Avery

She heads for the camp so I get to work and start helping out the other androids with 9s and A2.

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