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2B's POV

3 weeks later

"We're not done yet."

It was around sunset and Creed was sitting on the floor panting hard from the long training we've done.

"Give me 5 minutes, I'm too tired." panted Creed

"Human's have a limit to movement, cannot continue or their muscles will burn out." said my Pod

"Yes, good point." said Creed

"Fine we'll rest, but only for five minutes." I said

"Thank you." sighed Creed

I sat next to Creed and watched the sunset.

"It's like watching the sunset became a daily thing." said Creed

"I suppose so." I replied

Creed laid down on the floor and gazed up at the sky.

"There may be more human survivors out there." sighed Creed

"We've never operated outside of this district." I said

"But I have." said Creed

"What are you trying to say?" I asked

"I'm leaving once we secure this district." replied Creed

"All by yourself?" I asked

"That's not a problem." replied Creed

"And do you think I'll let you?" I questioned him

Creed looked at me and smiled.

"Of course not." chuckled Creed, "But I'm going to anyways."

I thought about it for a second before responding.

"Then I'm coming with you." I said

"Huh?" Creed looked at me with confused eyes, "You're needed in the resistance camp, they need you more than me."

"And why do you think they don't need you just as much as they need me?" I asked

Creed stayed silent from my question.

"I'm an android designed to kill machines, I'm not just going to sit around while you're doing something dangerous." I replied

"2B I really appreciate that you're going to come but I think I can handle this." said Creed

"Oh really?" I questioned, "Get up then."

"Huh? It's been five minutes?" asked Creed

He gets up and picks up his sword but I swung my sword but Creed blocked it and smiled.

"See I was ready." smiled Creed

But I did a spinning hook kick and it hit is face knocking him out.

"Never get cocky." I said

"Okay, you got me there." groaned Creed

"See you aren't ready, especially with the sword, you're not going to be making bullets in the middle of a battle." I commented

"Oh yea you're right." said Creed

"C'mon get up, we got a couple more rounds to go." I added

Creed got up and got into fighting stance with his sword and takes a deep breathe.

"Ready?" I asked

He nodded so I lunged towards him with my sword outstretched. Creed swings his sword down and blocks my blow and spins around me. He raises up his sword and brings it down on me but I bring my sword up and block it. I then pushed his sword away and swung my sword at his sword causing him to move his sword somewhere else. I quickly put the edge of my sword against his neck, pronouncing the winner.

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