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2B's POV

I've just returned back from the mission when Anemone and Avery called me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked

"Well we have some good news and some bad news." said Anemone

"About what?" I asked

Anemone and Avery both seemed uncomfortable.

"Well uhh it's about Creed." said Avery

My heart started beating fast when I heard his name.

"Is he okay? Did something happen to him? Does he need my help?" I asked

"Well uhh he's not hurt or anything but it's about Jackass." said Anemone

My heart started to beat slower when I heard her name. My blood started boiling and rose up to my head.

"What about her?" I growled

Avery seemed scared and took a step back.

"Well she did do something to Creed." said Anemone

I approached Anemone and grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her close to my face.

"2B!" yelled Nines

"What do you mean she did something to Creed?" I growled

"2B calm down, Creed fought back he didn't do anything he's fine." said Anemone

I let her go and she fell to the ground and started coughing while Avery helped her.

"I apologize." I said

"No I understand how you feel, it was wrong for me to trust her with Creed." said Anemone

"Is that the only bad news?" I asked still angry

"Yes that's the only bad news for now." said Anemone

"What's the good news?" I asked

"Creed's amnesia isn't permanent." said Avery

My heart started beating fast again and my blood stopped boiling.

"He was able to regain his memory?" I asked

"No not yet, but he had flashbacks of his memories but he doesn't remember those memories. But having flashbacks is a good sign that he's recovering." said Avery

I felt a beam of excitement in my heart but I didn't show it entirely but I did smile.

"That's nice but I want Jackass away from Creed." I snapped

"We can't control that, she might even be doing something to him right now."

Creed's POV

Jackass locked the room door and I was panicking.

"Jackass I told you not to do this." I pleaded

Jackass just smiled and pushed me to the bed and got on top of me.

"And I told you I won't." she replied

Before she could do anything there was a knock on the door. Jackass rolled her eyes while looking pissed. She opened the door and Gianna was standing there.

"It's Anemone." said Gianna


Jackass scoffs and leaves the room so I ran out of the room too. But while I was still running someone trips me and I fall to the ground.

"Where are you running to?" asked a female voice

I looked up and saw Lisa leaning against the dirt wall with her arms crossed. I haven't been able to observe her but I noticed that she had brown hair, the same type of nose as 2B, small asian eyes like me, maybe a bit smaller than mine. She was wearing what most androids wear, rags but damn they have fashion taste.

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