
591 22 0

1 week later

2B's POV

"Huh a cave?" asked Creed

"Yes but something is wrong with it." I said

"Pod scan." said 9S

"Scanning. This cave structure is a bit unstable." said Pod 153, "Proposal, enter with extreme caution."

"Great well I don't want to deal with any monsters like from the movie Descents." said Creed

"Oh shut up." said Avery

"Sorry." apologized Creed

We moved in and the pods guided the way and turned on some light for us.

"Damn." said Creed, "Why are we here?"

"Jackass came here but didn't come back." said A2

"Hell no I'm not going in there." said Creed, "We do not know what's down there."

"Her foot is stuck." said 9S

"Oh." replied Creed

He had his sword tucked behind in between his vest and his backpack.

"Creed be careful, try not to shoot in here. A bullet could cause a whole explosion down here." said Avery

Creed nods and puts his gun away and draws his sword instead. I walked next to him just to make sure he's safe.

We turn the corner and we see Jackass sitting there with a couple rocks in her leg.

"Took you guys long enough." said sassy Jackass

We help her the rocks off her legs and she gets up. But then Nines pushes one rock and the cave begins to shake.

"Oh shit."

"The infrastructure is collapsing." said my Pod

"Everyone get out of the cave!" I yelled

We all ran towards the entrance of the cave as rocks started falling on us. But 9S trips and falls down.

"9S!" I yelled

Avery runs back and picks him up but then a huge boulder comes down between me and the two. I backed up and ran out the cave right before the cave collapsed.

"Nines!" yelled Creed, "Nines, Avery can you hear me!"

He tries to dig up the rubble in front of the cave.

"Shit, we gotta get them out of there." said Creed

"A2, take Jackass and go get some androids to help us." I said

"Crap, if they're caved in Avery is not going to have enough oxygen to last." said Creed

I helped Creed out to remove the rocks but it didn't seem we were making much progress. Creed looks around then climbs up to the top of the cave and looks around. He starts measuring things and then stabs his sword on the ground.

"They're right here." said Creed

"We'll get them out." I assured him


I coughed a bit from the dust, I looked up but I couldn't see anything.

"Pod 153 are you there?" I asked

"At your service." replied Pod 153

"Turn on some lights."

Pod 153 did and right in front of me was Avery and she was holding up a rock from falling on us.

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