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2B's POV

"2B where's Creed?" asked Anemone

I just shrugged and I saw Jackass enter the camp but I ignored her. 

"Jackass have you seen Creed?" asked Anemone

"He should be behind me. He'll be here in 6 minutes." replied Jackass

She leaves to go somewhere else in the camp while I just wait near the entrance for Creed to come. 10 minutes passed by, he doesn't show up.

"Jackass are you sure he was behind you?" asked Anemone

"Yea." replied Jackass

"2B, A2, 9S and Avery go check up on Creed." said Anemone

I didn't want to look for him but I just tagged along.

"Didn't Creed go on a scouting mission with Jackass?" 9S asked

I just nodded in response and walked out of the camp. 

"2B what happened between you and Creed?" asked Avery

"Nothing." I replied

'Why are they so interested?'

"Did Creed do something stupid?" asked Avery

"Creed isn't stupid, he's a good man." said 9S

'That's what I thought too.'

"2B even though Creed did something stupid you have to understand he's not good with handling new people." said Avery

I just ignored them and walked faster ahead of the group. I headed towards the desert but then I stumbled on something. I looked down and there was a bunch of debris and machine parts mostly from a Goliath Biped. 

"Machines? What are they doing here?" asked 9S

I was also confused, there was no sign of machines in the past 2 weeks. I walked around but then on the ground I saw something I wish I didn't see. On the ground was Creed's sword, and next to it was a sprinkle of blood. I picked up the sword and desperately looked around for Creed.

"That's Creed's sword." said 9S

"What's it doing here..." said Avery

"The machines got him." said A2

I desperately looked around hoping to see Creed somewhere but nothing. 

'No, this can't be happening.'

"Creed!" I yelled

"2B look at this." said 9S

He picks up some bullet shells and an empty mag. My eyes nearly burst into tears but I held it in. 

"Looks like he had a brawl." said A2

"We need to find him." I desperately said

"We have no clue where he is, he could be far away." said Avery

"I don't care, I'll find him no matter what." I replied

"2B let's report to Anemone first so she could have other android scouts out there looking for him." said 9S

"Fine you can contact her but I'm going after him." I replied

"I'll go with 2B." said 9S

"We'll be right behind you." said A2

9S and I ran off towards a direction where there were blood marks on the floor, small drips on the ground. I followed that direction until the trail of blood disappeared. 

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