F O U R: Punishment of the Heart

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I didn't have enough time.

Mr. Forkle already burst into the room, red with anger. I fell back against the wall fearfully as he paced the room, "HOW COULD YOU?! HAVE YOU NO CONCERN FOR THEM? OF WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF THEY KNOW?"

That was it, he was insulting me for the last time. I stood up and glared him straight in eyes while saying in a dangerous and low tone, "How dare you question my concern for them. Nothing else has been on my mind for the past three months than them. You never thought about them, you only cared about getting me away FROM THEM!!"

My voice gradually grew louder and he looked stunned when I yelled at him. But he looked even more afraid of the flaming bedsheets beside me. I turned in horror to realize my bed was burning to ashes. Mr. Forkle shook away his shock and grabbed the buckets of water beside my bed. He methodically washed the flames as I watched the fire sizzle out and die.

He looked back at me and in that moment I knew my chance of freedom was small. I didn't even have the words to explain myself. He sighed and called out, "Livvy? Wraith? Blur? Come here!"

The collective, minus Squall due to her connections, strode into my room. I saw their eyes flickering from the bed to me and back to Mr. Forkle. He rubbed his temples and sighed as I shrunk back into the wall, wishing I could disappear.

Blur kicked at the pile of ash, "I assume Sophie did this"

I nodded, "Look, I'm really sorry"

Mr. Forkle avoided my apologetic gaze and turned to the collective, "I found her contacting the Vacker boy. By now, I assume all of them know"

I swallowed, "I didn't tell him anything"

Mr. Forkle's gaze softened and directed towards me, "What?"

I sighed, "I really do care about them. All I said was that I was okay and that they should just forget about me"

They all stared at me in shock, but Livvy ran to me and wrapped some in her arms. "Oh Sophie, I'm so sorry"

I tried to keep in the tears as I hugged her back, but I could feel them rolling down my cheeks. Livvy released me and I wiped them away, "Thanks"

Mr. Forkle came closer and I saw a strange emotion in his eyes. Pride. "Thank you Sophie, for this. I know it was very hard"

I nodded and he turned away, "Everyone, we should go"

Livvy squeezed my hand and the collective shuffled out, leaving me to my ash covered bed. I checked to be sure they were gone before wiping away the embarrassing tears. I can't believe they actually bought my performance, I never thought of myself as an actress.

They believed I was a threat to my friends when I was the only one that could protect them. I shut the door and tracked down Fitz's mind again.


Sophie?! You're back?

Yeah sorry, Mr. Forkle was too close. I had to keep up the performance.


Of course, did you really think I would leave you and the others. I love you guys and it has broke my heart to be without you.

Why haven't you contacted sooner?

I needed to make the collective believe I was actually going to agree to their plan.

What plan?

I'll explain everything later, all you need to know is that I've been locked up for the last three months Fitz and I'm never going back.

Why? Sophie-

Look, I said I'll explain everything later. We have to meet up so we can make the plan.

Ummm, what plan?

The one to take down the Neverseen silly.

I love your enthusiasm Sophie, but you've been gone for three months. Can't we wait?

No, every second they live the Black Swan will keep me locked up so they can't get to me.

Okay, I think I understand. When can we meet you?

At Havenfield, by the back pastures. Tomorrow morning, before the sun rises. And Fitz?


Make sure everyone is there, I have so much to explain.

Alright Sophie, we'll be there.

The silence grew longer and Fitz finally said, I missed you.

My cheeks warmed and I was glad he wasn't here to see me blush, I missed you too. But that is all going to change.

I severed the connection before he could say anything more to make me want to leave that second. If I wanted to see everyone, I had to get things ready first.

I opened the door and peeked down the hallway. Mr. Forkle's office was filled with the thoughtful whispers of the collective. I almost felt bad about lying to them, but my friends and family mattered more than anything else.

I knocked on the door way and they all looked up. "Hi?" I said, nervously.

Mr. Forkle smiled and waved me in, "Sophie, hey kiddo. What is it?"

I smiled, "I was going to take another hike tomorrow, if you don't mind"

He sighed happily, "Of course, anytime"

Now this was the hard part. I fiddled with my hands and avoided his gaze, "Can you make sure no one follows me? Livvy nearly gave me a heart attack this morning. And I would feel better being alone"

Livvy smiled, "Okay, I think we can say yes to that"

I looked up relieved, only one more thing. "I'm going leave before the sun rises. I just want to watch the sunrise, so I should be back in the late morning"

Mr. Forkle's attention was already moved onto a bright green folder, "No problem, have fun kiddo"

I grinned, "Oh I will"

I left the collective to their plans and resisted the strong urge to skip down the hallway. Finally, I would see everyone again. They would be the ones of help me through this, not the collective. I knew they would support me like the Black Swan never could.

And as I lay on the floor that night, my hands swirling patterns into the ash, I knew everything was going to be only up hill from here.

Since, very soon, the Neverseen would be no more.

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