T W E L V E: The House on Salvatore Street

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The house was mostly empty, they told me it had been a volunteer hospital in the war.

Something just felt wrong, missing. But I carried on as they told me, I wasn't looking to argue. I just wanted to lie low. It wasn't hard when they didn't let me out of the house.

Mr. Forkle always looked at me strangely whenever every I passed him. It started to creep me out.

"Something you want to say?" I asked.

He glanced away, "No. Miss Foster, you any continue to the training room. Livvy is waiting for you"

He brushed past me and I walked on, ignoring the lonely feeling I had been plagued by the last few days. And the thought of doing more alchemy with Livvy made my stomach sour.

I could see Livvy humming in the room bending the archway, her hands glossing over the dusty bottles.

"Livvy?" I asked.

She smiled, "Sophie!"

She also acted like every time I showed up it was a miracle. I swung around the archway and pushed myself onto the table.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked.

Livvy handed me a pen and a list, "Labeling"

I groaned, but took the supplies. We quietly traced the faded ink with fresh ink liquid, covering up the old to reveal the new.

"Livvy," I muttered nervously, "Do you think Mr. Forkle will ever let me leave?"

Her hand dropped the bottle abruptly and her cheeks flustered as she bent to pick it up. "Oh, umm- I'm sure he will at some point"

I decided it was best to not ask her anymore questions, I didn't want Mr. Forkle to know I was curious. I looked over to notice Livvy smiling at me mischievously.

I laughed, "What?"

She smiled and set down her pen, "I can't let you leave the premise, but maybe you could at least leave the house"

I put down my pen again, "Really? What do you mean?"

She nodded towards to window at the back on the room. "The paper is arriving soon. Why don't you jump out of the window- accidentally- and grab it for me?"

I hopped off and gave her a quick hug, "Thank you so much Livvy!"

I ran to the window and pried open the rusted lock while Livvy laughed at my enthusiasm. I finally cracked it open and swung one leg out. I saluted Livvy, "Be right back"

The morning was bright and warm. I crouched on the roof for a moment, letting the sunlight wash over my face. It felt good to be warm again. The house was always freezing cold.

I slid down the shingles and hung off the edge. I checked to make sure the room was empty before stepping onto the windowsill. Another step and I felt the wood chips crushing beneath my feet. I took a deep breath and started towards the the brick pillars at the end of the driveway.

It still felt like it was all a dream, I couldn't believe I was outside. But my heart stopped when I saw the paper wasn't there when I arrived. Did I have to go back? But I had just gotten there.....


I spun around to see a boy with piercing blue eyes holding the paper and leaning against one of the pillars. He jumped up when he saw me and smiled, "Sophie!"

I stepped away from him, "Hey look, I think you've got the wrong Sophie. You need to leave"

He grinned, "Right, the memories. Well, don't you worry. I brought back up"

Out of nowhere, a dark haired girl with teal eyes appeared. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't do anything. The girl clamped a sweet cloth around my mouth.

"It's sorry" she grunted as I struggled against the sedative.

But I slumped to the floor, the last thing I saw was the open window. My mind was quickly disappearing, I wouldn't have much time.

Mr. Forkle, help.

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