T W E N T Y: Anything it Takes, Right?

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Her reddish blonde hair peeked out from under the dim lights. Mr. Forkle had warned me about Fintan, but he told me she was worse.

"Lady Gisela." I exhaled.

She dipped her head graciously, "Of course. Although I never thought I would see you here."

Under my skin I am itching to run but I force a glare onto my face instead. "That makes two of us."

She steps fully into the ring of light from above. I am caught of guard by her pale ice eyes. They're so familiar...

Her voice interrupts me. "I'm guessing you're not supposed to be here."

I don't answer and Lady Gisela smiles. "Well, chat time over. Let's go find Fintan."

I stumble in front of her before she can make her way to the door. "No! Wait- please. I'm sure we can work something out!"

Her hand hovers above the handle, but she is already intrigued. "A deal? You are asking me for a deal?"

I nod but instead of agreeing she only laughs unkindly. "You have nothing to offer me here, you are in no place to make a deal."

I shake my head, "Listen. I know you've been watching me train with Fintan," she frowns but I continue, "And we both know that I will soon become more powerful than him. If you let me go now, you'll have an ally on your side."

The words were bitter in my mouth and I spat them out. But I had to get out of here. I would keep my word as long as I does not hurt anyone. If she wants a Pyrokinetic on her side she will be wanting me.

Lady Gisela clasps her hands and paces the edge of the light circle. "You're not wrong. And maybe you can be of use to me, but for now it is not your ability I want."

My brows furrow with fear, what else do I have to offer?

Lady Gisela grins at my confusion, "I have a son. He is the center of my plans here with the Neverseen, yet he doesn't quite know it yet," She drags her hand across her skirts, "He is quite taken with you actually."

Suddenly I remember where I saw those eyes. The boy who took me from the Forbidden Cities. But he barely knows me, why would Gisela think i have influence over him?


No, my captors couldn't be right. Did I really know them?

"Well? I need to know if you are with me before I can let you in on the plans."

I glance up. I have to do anything to get out of here. "Of course."

Lady Gisela smiles, "Perfect, let's go."

My feet follow after her as we disappear into the shadows of the room. I made the correct choice, right?

I can hear a door opening and Lady Gisela places her hand on the small of my back, pushing me through. She must know the passage well since every step she takes is well placed. Whereas I stumble through the pitch black hallway, hands scraping against the walls.

Eventually the same dim, yellow light I had see  in the other room washes over my boots. This room is much more well lit. A table of crude stone stands in the center of the circular room. On top of the table sits a gorgeous chest is dark cherry wood. Lady Gisela yanks off her gloves and pulls a key out from the depths of her skirt.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

She doesn't answer, placing the key inside the lock on the chest.

I sigh, "I can't do what you want if you don't tell me first."

Lady Gisela clenches her jaw and the chest pops open. Fine, she wants to show me for herself. I step closer to the table and peer into the green velvet lining the box.

All in a row lay three leap crystals. A red one, the kind that only goes to the Councillor castles. I shocked they even got their hands on them but even more confused when I see the next two. Both clear. Why would Lady Gisela have ordinary leap crystals next to a red one?

Her hands brush over the clear one in the middle. "This one goes to Foxfire. And if I am correct, school starts in a few hours."

The plan is forming in my head as if a chest in my own mind is opening. She wants me to go to Foxfire so I can......

"Retrieve my son. You can use a hood to hide yourself until you can get him alone. Then use this," Lady Gisela hands me another clear crystal, "To get him back here. This will lead you straight to this room where I will be waiting."

I take both of the clear leap crystals from her. "And after that, you will let me go?"

She nods, "I will let you run back to your creators, but do not forget our alliance. Ms. Foster it sometimes slips your mind that we both want the same thing. To fix the Lost Cities."

There wouldn't be anything wrong if it wasn't for you. But of course I can't say that. "And how do I get him to come with me?"

She waved her hand, "He will follow you. Although if worst comes to worst, you might have to drag him through."

I don't like how she slides around the topic of how her son knows me, but I doubt Lady Gisela means for me to find out. I swallow the confusion and ask, "What does he look like? What Level is he?"

"He's a Level Six. And you will know him when you see him. Elixirs can erase me worries," she grins, "But not feelings."

I shiver at the thought of what she is suggesting  and shove the crystals back into my pocket. "Alright, give me the uniform. I'll go."

Lady Gisela exhales, "Wonderful. I'm just glad we're finally on the same side."

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