S I X: Fintan

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It had been four days of knowing exactly what we had to do, and avoiding it.

I stared at my plate, watching Biana steal purple chips off it thinking I didn't notice. Our parents looked at us nervously and I met their gaze. Keefe, Dex, and the Song Twins were all behind me, at the dining table.

My father opened his mouth but I stopped him, "No"

He sighed, "Fitz-"

Keefe stepped forward, "Absolutely not"

My mother grabbed my father's hand and looked at us, "Look, he's the only one we have right now"

Dex joined me and Keefe in the glaring contest, "No way, I know first hand what he can do"

Biana munched in another chip, "I think I agree with our parents Fitz, Sophie needs our help"

I pulled my plate away, "Excatly, she doesn't need his help. And to think I shared my chips with you"

Biana groaned and flopped back into her chair, "Sophie will be back in three days, scared and confused. She can't control herself, she could hurt someone"

I stood up and clenched the knife in me hand, "Sophie would never do that!"

"She might not have the choice, so shouldn't we give her that?" Biana's hand took the knife gently from mine and I collapsed back into my chair, tired of arguing.

Tam stepped out from behind his sister, "I want to go with all of you"

I looked back at him, "Where? Why?"

He looked at me as if the answer was obvious, "We will have to talk to Fintan to convince him to do this. I want to be there because Sophie is my friend too"

The way he said friend made me question his relationship with her, but my father stopped us like always. "This is where we put our foot down. Only adults and the Council will be making the trip"

"C'mon! She's our friend! We should be there" Keefe whined.

My father rubbed his eyes and I took the opportunity to wear him down, "Father, trust me. We can help"

My mother whispered into his ear and he looked up with reluctant eyes, "Fine. We leave soon though, I already had this planned out"

"You were going to leave without us?" Biana asked, her voice rising with each syllable.

He nodded and I sighed. As usual, they never believed in us. But this time, we all had someone who needed us to believe in her. I looked down at my rumpled clothes I had been wearing for weeks. They didn't smell much better than they looked. I hopped of the chair and started up the stairs, "I'm going to change and take a shower before we leave"

I didn't stay long enough to hear their responses. I just wanted to feel the water dripping off of me. For some reason, it felt therapeutic. Like the water could just wash away everything that had happened. Back when I knew what to say to Sophie, when she wasn't scared of everything she did. I wished I could go back, but the only direction was forward.

My fire resistant clothes were still in my closet, for what reason I had no idea. All I knew, was that my mother loved to be over prepared. I threw the skin tight, black tunic on and hated it immediately. It felt like it was choking every part of my body, squeezing me until I was gasping for breath. But I couldn't take any chances.

I remember Sophie mentioning a human device called a 'wet suit'. I imagined that it felt much like my outfit. I checked to make sure everything was buttoned up for the last time before walking back downstairs.

Everyone was gone and I could hear Biana singing in her room, getting ready. My parents were still there, whispering in quiet tones and glancing every few seconds towards the door.

"Don't even think about leaving without us" I said, descending the stairs towards them.

My father's face grew cold and angry, "I thought I've warned you not to read my mind"

I laughed sarcastically at him, "It's written all over your face, father. But don't think I won't hesitate to break every rule of telepathy to save Sophie"

He stopped glaring at me, but I could see my comment still hung with him. We stared at each other for a few minutes, not wanting to be the one to look away first. Luckily, Biana finished early and both our gazes were ripped away.

Her clothes were sparkly pink with a matching head band and three inch heels. Leave it to Biana to make useful clothing unnecessary.

My mother smiled and hugged Biana, "You look lovely dear"

I groaned, "Let's go. I'm sure the others are waiting for us"

We all walked to the Leapmaster, my mother still talking with Biana while I could feel my father's steely gaze on my back. As soon as the world shimmered away, the dull tunnels of Fintan's prison came into view.

Just like I had said, the others waited impatiently at the entrance. Everyone was there, including the Ruewens and the Councillors.

Oralie smiled at us and fixed one of the curls in her head, "Is everyone ready?"

We all stared at her and she took the message. As a tightly knit unit, we began to descend into the cold tunnels. But as we grew closer, we could also feel an unnatural heat. Guards lined the edges of the cell and I peeked nervously over Councillor Emry's shoulder.

Before we could say anything, a chilly voice laughed, "I see the whole gang is here. And what do I owe the pleasure?"


He smiled at us from the wall where he leaned against. I knew one of the Councillors should have said something, but I couldn't help pushing them out of the way.

"We need your help" I said, trying to stay calm.

Fintan walked slowly to the edge of the cell and I could feel my father pulling me back. No, I had to show him I was brave.

Fintan looked me up and down, unimpressed. "And, Mr. Vacker, why would I help you?"

I swallowed and do my best to not shake in fear, "We have a just manifested Pyrokinetic that needs training"

His cold smile turned proud, "I would be honored to even be considered. And of all the illegal Pyrokinetics you've killed, you've chosen me. Wow"

We all glared at him and he shrugged, "Past mistakes, I get it. But tell me, who is this new Pyrokinetic? Perhaps I know them"

I shivered, "Oh you know them"

His eyes narrowed, "Who?"

I looked back as the others nudged me on. I turned back to him, "Sophie Foster"

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