T W E N T Y-F O U R: Memeory Like an Hourglass

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The room is empty.
I knew it was going to be empty. What did you expect Soph? That Keefe was going to just be sitting here waiting for you? I think.
Sliding around the large table I peek into the pitch black exit. Taking a deep breath, I feel the shadows swallow me and my heart beats just a little faster. With one hand to the wall I stumble way down the passage. Suddenly, I bump my nose on something.
Cursing, I massage my nose with one hand and with the other I feel around to see what I hit.
The door.
I curse again. I forgot about the door. Lady Gisela had used a key to get in, which meant I was trapped in here. I slump against the door and let my head touch the cold wood. It feels good to have a moment to think. The smoke that had cling to me like a disease washed away in the darkness. Unlike most Pyrokinetics, I liked the cold. It helped keep me grounded.
Okay, I think, I can leap back to Mr. Forkle if I need to. But for now I should try to get out. My fingers slide up the door and jiggle the doorknob. I wasn't an expert on locks, but this one seemed about as simple as a common human lock.
Standing up, I release my hand from the doorknob. After being in the dark for so long, I can just make out the shape of the door. I step back a few steps and take a breath. I focus on memories of my human life, before Mr. Forkle found me. They are always the best for bringing fast mental energy. Energy courses through me with every giggle, every frosting on my nose, every late night ice cream raid and rainy Friday matinee. The energy feels good, not like the kind I get from my pyrokineiss. Whenever I use fire, it feels like black, orange, char, and burning paper unsurprisingly. Which completely goes against my mental power form happy memories which  feels more like a blue lake.
I push my energy forward and direct it to the lock. Immediately, I am blown off my feet by the explosion. Even though I only have a few bruises, I stay very still on the ground, waiting for Gisela to come barging through. Once I'm sure nobody is going to come find me, I stand up and soak in the very dim light on the other side with relief.
The door is smashed to pieces and I cringe as I pass it, I didn't mean to use that much energy. I lean my head out of the doorway and into the hallway. Luck is still on my side when I find the hall empty. Digging into my backpack, I pull out the hood I kept from my time here at the Neverseen. Fintan had given it to me as something to look up to. At the time it only reminded me of what I was missing.
As I slip it over my head, I try to search my mind for the way out. My memories would normally be photographic, but whatever happened to me left them a complete jumble. I was barely clinging to the memory that the boy with blonde hair could help me. I knew I had known his name earlier but it was already washed away.
I could tell I was getting worse.
Soon I think I might even forget my own name. I walk faster as if to run away from the thought. Without thinking, I dash around the corner, almost running right into another member.
"Hey watch it kid." He grumbles, his own hood now dangling by his neck and leaving his glaring face in the open.
I nod, too afraid that whoever he is will recognize my voice. I can feel his eyes like needles on my back as I painstakingly walk slowly down the rest of the hallway and turn the corner.
My sigh of relief is ruined by a loud yell. I hold breath and listen, the sound is coming from the door beside me. I press my ear to it gently and try to listen though the thick wood.
"...... progress."
"Progress? Progress? He has hardly.......... I need him ready......... He can't be.......... Now!"
I jolt with Gisela's shout, I couldn't tell who the others person was though. Not wanting them to find me on the other side I sprint down the rest of the hall and let myself be lost to the passages of the base. They had to have been talking about the boy, her son. My mind strains for the name but it was all I could do to remember his face.
I had to find him. Now.
Pushing my way through the hallway again I follow the flutter of a maroon cape. Gisela's. She stops in front of a door and I turn around pretending to just be walking around the corner. I don't need to see her face to know she has a suspicious frown. But whatever is in there, hopefully the boy, draws her attention away from me.
Once she shuts the door I breath again. In my head I kept whispering, The boy, The boy, The boy, in order to remember. By this rate I'd only have a few minutes before his face was gone, then the fact he could help me, and finally I would forget why I was looking for someone all together.
I started towards the door, the handle being the only thing I could see. Suddenly, someone yanks me back by my hair. I cry out and try to reach for my hood but it's already gone.
The man leaning over me looks familiar, but so does everything else here. His teal eyes light up with glee and when he leans in his dark brown hair falls to the side a little. If I focus closely I can see his nose is slightly crooked.
"Got you."

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