E I G H T E E N: That's More Like It

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Mr. Forkle wasn't coming.
He wasn't coming for me.
I was still shaking from the thought after days in the Neverseen base. But I was right. He wasn't coming for me. I had to escape in my own.
Maybe the Vacker boy will come for me.....
But he didn't seem like the reliable type. Which left me. I knew about as much about the Neverseen as I did before. The only thing I had more of was black clothing and questions. Fintan kept guards constantly stationed outside my room. Since it was underground, there were no windows to pop out of. I was only allowed outside the room for Fintan's training. The arena was along the same hallway as my room purposely so I had never seen any other part of the base.
And I doubted Fintan would be letting me go on missions or even outside soon. I heard him whispering about keeping me at least for a few decades. The thought of being stuck in the same hallway for almost a hundred years was daunting to say the least.
The best I could do was impress and hopefully scare him in the arena.
Fire flew across the room, headed directly towards me. I flung myself onto the floor and it exploded into the wall behind me. Impressing Fintan would be harder than expected. He yelled out in frustration and lit another fire ball.
"Don't duck or dodge it. Try to catch it, like a ball" he called out.
He made it sound so easy when he didn't even realize it was fire. Shakily I stood up and wiped the dirt from my knees. Already Fintan whipped another fire ball at me. My feet scrambled to dodge, but they weren't quickly enough. I raised arms to protect my face and the fire disappeared before it even hit me.
I could hear Fintan's sigh from across the room. "You aren't even trying" he hissed.
Panting, I glared at him. "I don't want to be a Pyrokinetic. And I don't care what you do to me, but I'll never be like you"
Fintan cocked his head. "Never? That's a long time Ms. Foster"
I nod, hoping the disappointment on his face was real. But seconds later it dissolved to a grin.
"Perhaps you need more persuasion than that," he turned to Gethen stalking by the edges of the arena, "Get the Healer. She'll need him"
My stomach drops and I lower my arms. "What do you mean"
Fintan peered back at me. "It's about time you really felt fire"
I didn't like the way his tone scraped the bottom of his throat. I considered make a run for it out the door, but it would be useless to waste that much energy. Gethen returned seconds later with a black cloaked figure.
The figure joined Gethen by the wall and waved his arm to Fintan to let him know he was ready. I was practically shaking like a leaf in the wind at the sight. I was never fast enough.
Fintan spun around and a spurt of fire exploded from his fingertips. I tried to duck again, but the fire curled downwards and struck me in my raised arms.
Pain exploded through my body and I collapsed to the floor, cradling my arms best I could. My mouth contorted and I could barely hear what I was screaming. But the Healer stayed at the wall, watching. Fintan took note of this and started advancing towards me. I tried scrambled away painfully, but he was already too close.
Fintan's hands gripped my wrists as he brought me up from the floor. I could smell the flesh burning as I screamed but he wouldn't let go. My body shivered with the pain of white hot fire. Through the haze of smoke and tears I still saw the Healer, not moving a muscle.
What was he doing?
Fintan intensified the flames and I felt like I was going to pass out. The blood boiled in my veins. Desperately, I tried to push Fintan away. I could already feel my minding slipping into sleep.
It will all be over soon...
"Not that easy" he whispered and let go.
I slammed to the arena floor and watched his feet take a few steps back, waiting for me. Well he wasn't going to wait any longer. Although I could barely raise my arms, I managed to lift a single finger in his direction.
I think you know which finger.
And without any wanting, my hand exploded with a fire I had never seen before. It burned the dark color of a night sea, unnatural for flames. Fintan actually stumbled back and I flung everything I had at him.
The flames enveloped his body and I could see them solidify like bars in a cage.
What kind of fire was this?
Fintan screamed in the cell of blue flames and I watched as the Healer and Gethen came rushing towards us. I smiled and didn't let the flames die until Gethen pressed a cloth harshly over my mouth.
But before I fell asleep, I heard Fintan fall to his knees and say. "That's more like it"

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