T H R E E: Echoes of the Nightmares

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Hello Fitz Vacker.

My mind stopped and so did my breath, causing Biana to shake me. "Fitz? What's wrong?!"

I shook her off and waved my arms, "Quiet, Sophie just connected to my mind"

She shut her mouth immediately and watched me intently, wishing in that moment she had been a Telepath. I turned back to the voice in my mind.


I could imagine her small grin, Of course you dummy, who else?

I wanted to jump up right there and wake everyone, but I was afraid she would leave.

Sophie? Are you alright?

Yes, I'm fine.

Woah, Sophie. You're not fine, you've been gone for three months.

I know Fitz, I'm sorry.

I softened, No, sorry. I was just a little concerned, that's all. But seriously, what's going on?

I can't tell you.

Well what can you tell me?

That I'm fine, I'm not dead.

When will you come back?

Silence filled my mind and I was worried she had left, Sophie?

I don't know. Maybe never.

Never echoed in my mind and I grimaced at the though of my forever without Sophie. Why?

I can't tell you.

Then why did you contact me?

I wanted to let you know that I'm okay.

Is the Neverseen making you say this? Sophie, what's going on?

Fitz, you already know I can't tell you. Just please, trust me.

I mentally sighed, Fine. Can I tell anyone else about our conversation?

I imagine Biana already knows. It's fine, you guys should stop worrying about me.

Sophie, how can we help you?

Her voice took a moment and I could hear the pain in every word she transmitted next, You have to forget about me. All of you. It's for the best.

Sophie, I can never forget about you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will never stop fighting for you.

Fitz, please. If you really want to help you will do as I say.


I'm sorry Fitz.


I have to go, Mr. Forkle is coming and he can't catch me talking with you.

Sophie wait-

But the warm presence of her mind disappeared and I found myself wordless and staring at a ready to burst Biana.

"Fitz?! What did she say?"

I blinked and whispered, "To forget about her?"

Biana leaned in, "What?"

I grabbed her hand and shared the memory of the conversation. Biana leaned back and we both stayed silent for a while. Biana spoke first, like she always did.

"We have to tell mom and dad. We have to tell everyone"

I nodded, but my mind was elsewhere. "Why do you think Mr. Forkle wouldn't want her talking to us?"

Biana sighed and groaned, "I don't know. If she was here she would have figured it out already"

I smiled sadly, "Yeah she would have"

A small whimper escaped Biana's mouth and I looked up. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her body shook with pain. I felt my eyes filling with tears too and I pulled her in for a hug. We leaned on each other in that moment, like we always did. She would always be there for me and I would always be there for her. Forever.

I finally pulled away and we both wiped at our eyes, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. A small knock came from Biana's door and I turned to it. "Hello?"

Our parents stepped through the doorway and rushed to us once they saw our tear streaked faces. They tried to pulled us into a hug, but I pushed away. The moment was over, now we had to find Sophie.

I touched my parents' arms and looked them in the eyes, "Sophie contacted me, watch"

Their eyes barely had time to register the fact before I flooded their minds with the conversation. Unlike me and Biana, they were more vocal afterwards. My father stood up, his mind reeling with plans. "Everything will be alright. Fitz, Biana, call all the kids. Me and your mother will get the adults. I'll help share the memory, we're going to figure this out together"

Me and Biana were relieved, for once they were going to let us be a part of something. As my father disappeared into his study to make the calls, my mother turned to us. "You two have been so brave. I just know that the end of this will come soon, I promise"

She wiped our cheeks and smiled at us, her eyes filled with pride.

"But Sophie said she might never see us again" My voice cracked with the thought of it.

My mother took a moment before looking me in the eyes, "That girl will do anything to protect the ones she loves, even if it is at her own expense. We won't let that happen again. She wants to return, I know it. And maybe I don't have to know what's going to be sure that we will have our Sophie Foster back"

She patted our backs before grabbing the mugs and standing up, "I'm get some more Telrix tea for everyone. Stay here"

She disappeared like our father and Biana turned to me. "Mom's right, right?"

I felt the doubt in myself too, but I put on a happy face for her. "Of course, I didn't doubt her for a second"

Biana looked away towards the rising sun and I let my face fall. She had to be right, all I had was hope. But this time, I wasn't going to back down. Sophie Foster will return again.

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