T W E N T Y-T W O: That Puppy Dog Face

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His face hurt me the most. The puppy dog expression had quickly melted to disappointment. I tucked myself into the shadows of the room while Gisela held Keefe's chin harshly in her fingers. I could see his hands balled by his side but his mother's presence stopped him from doing anything.
"I knew you would come. You always had a soft spot for girls like her. I thought I taught you to stay away from weaknesses."
Keefe didn't even flinch, but he did pull his face away from her grip. "What do you want? And what are you doing with her?"
Keefe's finger pointed to me and I cringed under his pitiful gaze. He almost looked sorry for me. I couldn't stand it.
"I should go." I answer, glancing around for a door to get me out of here.
Gisela nodded and threw me a dark blue leap crystal, the kind that went to forbidden cities. "This will take you back to your Black Swan."
I raised it but she grabbed my wrist and leaned in, "Do not forget what I have done for you."
I looked past Gisela's hard gaze and met Keefe's eyes. The matching ice eyes begged me to stay. I could see from his body he was fighting every urge to tackle his mother.
But I nod and Gisela releases my wrist, stalking back towards her son. She places a hand threateningly on the small of his back and starts to push him towards the door.
I wanted to stay and help him. I could have at least attacked his mother. But in a fearful trance I lift the leap crystal and watch the blue light fizz before me.
Fear both paralyzed and shoved me through the light as sprinkles of blue dissolved around the corners of my eyes.
Immediately, my lungs were crushed in Mr. Forkle gazes. I was shocked the Neverseen had a crystal to get to me all the time, but I suppose it was as much helpful as harmful.
"Sophie! Sophie!"
I shake my head gently and listen as his fuzzy voice cleared. "I'm fine, I'm fine."
Waving a hand, I push Mr. Forkle away and he takes a few surprised steps back. "Sophie?" He asks again.
My brows furrow firmly and my eyes watch my feet sprint back into the house. I only relax my face once the door is shut behind me. Sighing, I pretend to not hear Livvy calling me from upstairs and take the steps below the house to my room.
Even as I collapse to the bed, I can't get his gaze out of my face. Why couldn't I have been braver? Maybe I just didn't want to do the right thing, especially when it was hard. I never could pull the trigger. What kind of hero did that make me?
What kind of villain did that make me?
"Sophie! I've been calling your name!"
Livvy jumped to the bed and tackled me with a hug, less suffocating than Mr. Forkle but not by much.
I wiggle out to her grip but let her brush the damp hairs out of my face. "Where were you? What happened?"
Too tired for words I quickly transmit the past few weeks into Livvy's mind. She doesn't speak for a few minutes and I snuggle myself between the wall and her body.
"So what was that fire?"
I knew that would be her first question. "Fintan wasn't sure but he told me to never do that again. He made sure too."
Livvy shivered with the dark memory, "I know."
Softly I ask, "Can I please be alone for a while? I need to.......... think."
Livvy nods her head and drags herself to the door. "Of course. If you need anything-"
"I know." I don't mean to sound harsh but I can't help it.
The door shuts and I fall back to my pillows. I couldn't just lie here while that boy Keefe went through what I went through. Maybe even worse.
I was still buzzing from my escape and my mind fed off the feeling. I needed to save him. Maybe I wasn't a hero or a villain but the line was not so black and white. If I wanted to save this boy I had to do the hard thing, pull the trigger, take the step. An instinct as primal as breathing took over and flooded my mind with this boy. I would save him at all costs.
He would know why my heart ached with every second I couldn't keep him in my gaze. Mr. Forkle could shy away from my fuzzy childhood all he wanted but Keefe knew the answers. And now with Lady Gisela on my side I could use her to get back in and out.
I was going to save Keefe.

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