E L E V E N: Missing Moonlark

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She wasn't here yet and my mind kept imagining the horrific situations Sophie had gotten herself into.

Most of them had to do with the Neverseen, they were always the worst. I had bitten the tips of my fingers to the nubs with worry. We were all waiting at the usual spot, Calla's tree.

"Maybe she forgot?" Biana offered.

I scoffed, "Sophie would never forget to meet us"

Biana glared at me, "While at least I'm trying to  give her the benefit of the doubt"

"She doesn't need it, I'm sure she'll be here soon" I said, but even I was doubting it.

Keefe poked me in the shoulder and pointed to something behind me. I turned, excepting Sophie clumsily falling to the grass. My heart dropped when instead we all saw Mr. Forkle walking his way up the hill, towards us.

His face was grim and serious, sending shivers of dread through my body. I ran to meet him halfway, the others close behind me.

"What did you do with her?!" I demanded.

He waves his hands, "Stop, I don't have much time already"

We all shut up and hung uncertainly on his every word. He exhaled and clenched his hands beneath his waist, "Sophie told me everything. About Fintan"

I glanced away, I knew it wrong to let her do that. Mr. Forkle continued with his steely gaze, "Because of this we are relocating her to the Forbidden Cities"

"What?!" I yelled.

Biana agreed, "Where are you taking her?"

Mr. Forkle shook his head, "I can't tell you"

Keefe gripped his cape, his hands becoming tight fists. "Why?"

We knew the answer, but waited for Mr. Forkle to say it. "I have forbidden Sophie to see any of you"

I scoffed in shock, "She'll never do that"

He gave me a sad smile, "Not if she doesn't remember any of you"

We knew they would forbid us to see her, but to wipe us from her memory was cruel. It was something the Neverseen would have done. I thought of the Ruewens, losing another daughter would break them.

"And the Ruewens?" I asked, hating the way my voice sounded so small and weak.

Mr. Forkle nodded, "I'm sorry"

"No, you don't get to do this! You can't rip her away from another family!" Biana shouted.

Mr. Forkle raised his hands, noticing our demeanor turning angry, bordering on a riot. "Please, you kids shouldn't worry. Once her training is complete, I'll give the memories back"

"And how long with that be?" I hissed.

We both knew even he wasn't sure of the answer, it could be years before we ever saw her again. "I will find her again Mr. Forkle. I've done it once before" I promised.

His face looked pained, "But you'll never find her again Mr. Vacker because you care about her. This is the best thing for her, don't ignore that"

I opened my mouth to protest, but I realized he was right. Sophie would learn to control herself, she wouldn't have to fear for our safety. Biana glared at me, "Fitz? You have nothing to say?"

I shook my head and felt the hot tears on cheeks, "He's right"

I turned back to the group, "This is the best for Sophie, even if it's not the best for us"

Keefe stopped me, "Wait, Mr. Forkle, please. Isn't there any way we can see her without her knowing us? I just- I have to see her"

Mr. Forkle smiled at Keefe's blunt love, "I'm sorry. She just can't Keefe"

"You-you can't do this" It felt like every breath in my body was sucked out of me. My heart once stolen, was now broken. I stumbled back numbly, unable to feel the ground beneath my hands.

Mr. Forkle had already started to walk away from the problem. Just like he was forcing Sophie to do. For a moment I thought Mr. Forkle had turned back, but he was already gone. My lungs gasped for air and I breathed in the air. It felt suffocating, building up in my chest.

I punched the ground hard. My knuckles at stated to crack, but I punched again. My blood dripped onto the ground with every punch. I punched at it furiously, but Keefe caught my fists.

"It's useless Fitz, you're helping no one" he said.

I pulled away from him and fell to the ground. My face buried in grass, blood staining my cheek. Biana crouched next to me, "Fitz, are you alright?"

I moaned, but kept quiet. Everything hurt. I fell in and out of sleep. Flashes of my bedroom popped up in my memory, but I ignored any attempt to wake me. All I wanted was to sleep. When I was asleep, it didn't hurt as much. I didn't have to wake up to the harsh realization.

I had lost Sophie Foster.

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