T H I R T E E N: Burning the Memories

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She was lying there so peacefully, it was almost like nothing had happened.

I could feel the Ruewens' knife shape nerves from beside me. We were all waiting for her to show up, praying that maybe she wouldn't forget all of us.

Fitz finally sighed and broke the tension, "Can we wake her up?"

I shook my head, "No, it wouldn't work the sedative. And don't even think about going into her mind, it would be like quicksand Fitz"

He groaned and gently pushed a strand of her hair away. Me, Dex, Tam, and Grady tensing our fists at the gesture.

Sophie's eyebrows twitched and her eyes blinked, instilling hope in all of us at the sight of her brown eyes. She sat up, clutching her head slightly, unaware of all of us yet.

I resisted the urge to hug her immediately, I didn't want to scare her.

"Sophie?" Edaline asked softly, clutching her silk smooth cape.

Sophie blinked again and looked up at all of staring at her. Her mouth moved without words and she scrambled against the walls.

Finally, she found her voice and she started to scream. It was Grady who walked slowly towards her, "Sophie, please! It's us"

She shook her head, "I don't know you, I-"

She stopped when she saw my face, "You"

I smiled, then remembered our encounter at the Black Swan base. "Wait-"

But it was too late.

The room filled with flickering flames, suffocating the air and filling the room with harsh, orange glow. Grady grabbed the buckets of water beside her bed and doused them with water. Sophie stopped for a moment, water dripping down her face as she pulled away her stringy hair.

"Who are you?" She asked fearfully.

We were relieved she wouldn't try to burn us again, but the realization of our situation hit us quickly. Grays set down the buckets carefully, "You really don't remember us?"

She shook her head and sighed cautiously, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

I nodded, "Sort of, we just want to talk to you"

Her hands clenched again, "Is Mr. Forkle here? Are you part of the Black Swan?"

Her voice lowered, "The Neverseen?"

Biana snorted, "No, we're trying to take them down"

Sophie relaxed against the wall, "So, technically, we're allies?"

I shared a wary eye with everyone before responding, "Yes, sure"

She smiled sheepishly, "Okay, well then I'm so sorry about the ummmm....."

She gestured to the cooling burns across the room. Edaline's stopped her, "Oh, don't worry about it! It's no problem"

Sophie smiled and sat back down on the end, her eyes still watching our every move. "So, why did you take me?"

We were all searching for the answer when Fitz saved us, "We wanted to help you. With your umm.... ability"

She smiled kindly, but her fingers worriedly pulled out an eyelash. "Oh, thank you. But Mr. Forkle has been helping. I appreciate the thought, but I really don't need your help"

I knew she didn't say it, but it felt like she was saying she didn't want us. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, "Well, what if we could get rid of it?"

She was interested, "Really?!"

Dex nodded, "Yeah, I've been working something. It should be ready within the week. Meanwhile, You should work with Fitz on retrieving-"

Biana slammed a hand over Dex's mouth, but it was too late. Sophie glances towards Fitz nervously, "What? Retrieving what?"

We had told her too much. I took a deep breath and just hoped she would trust me, "Sophie, we're your friends. And your family. You had a life with all of us"

She brushed her hair away as if seeing my face better would make this any easier, "What do you mean?"

Biana released Dex, "Me. Forkle, he locked away your memories. For your own good"

Biana spat the last words and Sophie backed up a little, "That wouldn't make any sense, I-"

Fitz nodded his head, "I know, you won't remember us. But hopefully, I can try to help you unlock them"

She shook her head vehemently, "No. I think I should go. Mr. Forkle will be waiting for me. I'm sorry, I have to-"

Sandor was there quickly. He pressed the cloth to her mouth gently and Sophie fell slowly to the bed. We all flinched at the sight, but we couldn't let her leave. Edaline picked up her cape boldly, I could see her trying to keep in the tears. "Sandor, watch over her while we work on the elixir"

Sandor nodded and took his place by the door. I could see even him trying to not cry, but he did a good job of keeping his face rock hard. But as I passed him, I could feel his powerful emotions fighting to be let out.

I breathed in a deep breath once I left the room, but it didn't help with the weight on my heart. Biana rested a hand on my shoulder, "Keefe, she's going to be okay"

I nodded and made a silent vow to myself. I would never let anything take away Sophie ever again.

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