E I G H T: On Edge for Eternity

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I could tell everyone was paranoid, sneaking glances at me and asking me every three seconds if I was alright.

I had only arrived at Havenfield a few minutes ago, but Grady has already explained everything to me. I felt numb, Fintan. It would be weird to be taught by him. It was even harder to accept the truth. I was like him. I had to turn away so no one could see the doubts I let show on my face.

I felt a comforting hand touch my shoulder. I turned to expect Fitz of Keefe, but I saw Tam instead.

"Hey" I said awkwardly.

He looked me in the eyes for a moment, thinking before he spoke. I always liked that about him. "Sophie, I understand what you are thinking. A Shade isn't the most liked ability either. But you are nothing like Fintan. You are so much more, do not let this," he touched his hand to my hands, "Define you Sophie Foster"

My heart beat like crazy and I was absolute sure I would never return to my pale skin again. I wiped at my blushing cheeks, "Thank you"

He nodded and strode away, acting like nothing had happened. Fitz called me over, "Sophie, are you okay?"

I groaned, "I'm fine, can we just go?"

The colorful flashes from windows confirmed my answer. I pushed away everyone and opened the door to reveal the 12 Councillors. I suddenly realized this was my first time seeing them since I had manifested.

"Hi" I said, trying to act like all this sneaking about being Pyrokinetic wasn't their fault.

Oralie smiled and pulled me in for a hug, "Sophie!"

Bronte stared at me mid hug and I could see something on his face. Fear? Suprise? Whatever it was, it passed in a moment and he was back to his grumpy self.

"Are we ever going to leave?" He drawled.

My father closed the door behind us and we all stepped out into the fields, "Alright everyone, grab a hand"

I almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, over twenty people to simply escort me back and forth from Fintan's cell.

"You know I don't need this many people?" I joked.

But Grady looked me seriously in the eyes, "Yes you do"

I understood and grabbed the hands of Linh and Tam beside me. Councillor Emry held a crystal to the light and we stepped through, power surging through our hands.

I immediately felt dread as soon as I saw the damp tunnel. Keefe came up from behind me and clasped my hand, "Don't worry Sophie, we'll be right here"

I smiled back at him and pulled away. Fintan requested that I go alone, and that the guards were gone. I was positive this wouldn't end well, but all I needed was to control to. Simple as that.

I tried to ignore their gazes following me down the tunnel, still feeling alone in the world. It was just what Fintan wanted.

His chilly laugh filled the dark tunnel, "So it is true, Sophie Foster is a Pyrokinetic"

I looked around and shouted in the darkness, "I'm not proud of it!"

His voice grew sinister and harsh, "You will be. You will worship the very day you were chosen to be what you are"

I didn't dare go against him, I was here to learn not argue. Finally the tunnel leveled out and I knew I had arrived at his cell. He stood there, standing in the lights, grinning at me like a and man.

He was a mad man.

I approached the bars, "Well? I don't have much time. Aren't you going to say anything?"

He watched me carefully while coming closer, "Oh yes, the Black Swan. Let me guess, every time you tried to practice, they doused you with water. Turning your gift into a nightmare, as it shouldn't be"

His tone was wary and I could tell he knew this from personnel experience. He grew closer and I could feel his breath wash over my face, "They will all turn away from you Sophie. When they see what you are"

I glared at him, "I am not you"

He smirked, "Not yet. Let's see what you got. Call a flame"

I glanced away from him and towards my hand. Immediately a small flame flickered above my fingertips. I watched flutter in the darkness. I hated to admit it, but the flames were beautiful. Like miniature suns within them selves. Fintan cracked a smile, "Good, now think about every you hate. Everything that makes your blood run cold. This should put out the flame"

I imagined the Neverseen, Fintan, the caves where me and Dex were kidnapped. Every time the Neverseen smiled at me, calling checkmate. I hated that I could never be ahead, I would forever be stuck in their shadow.

I hadn't even focused on the flame and I realized it had grown into a huge fireball. I gasped and tried to shake the fire off. "FINTAN! HELP!" I screamed.

His eyes flashed excitement, "No, watch the fire. Look at what you could become"

I yelled and screamed, hearing the others run down the tunnel quickly. Fintan cursed and banged his hands against the bars.

His eyes had turned from excited to crazy, "NO! You have to let go! This is who you are, embrace it!"

I shook my head, "No!"

The fireball only grew bigger and it covered my entire arm. "Fintan," I begged, "Please, you have to help me"

"Don't you see, I am" his face appeared from the bars.

I tried ask him again, but it was too late. A bucket of water splashed over my head and the fire disappeared. Fintan cursed and I stood there, sputtering as the water soaked through my clothes. He turned to me, "See what they did to you? They will continue suppress it, you're different. They don't like different, they will try to control you"

I opened my mouth to respond, but I didn't. The feeling of the water felt cold with betrayal. Didn't they trust me enough to put it out myself?

I could see them, shaking in the hallway. They were staring at my once lit arm. I tried to cover it up, "C'mon, the Black Swan are waiting"

I could still hear Fintan's chuckle as I walked back up the tunnel.

He was never going to leave me alone.

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