T W E N T Y-T H R E E: Innocent Yet Deadly

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The spoon dug into the pile of deep pink paste like soup. I watched with mild disgust as it dropped off my spoon in chunks. I didn't want to admit it, but I was just distracting myself while I tried to build up the courage to ask.
I snuck a glance up at Livvy who since our snuggle sesh had been humming comfortably all afternoon. She had gone into Mr. Forkle's office at some point to no doubt share my memories, but I hadn't seen her since.
Mr. Forkle had been even more elusive. His unofficial place at the head of the table was usually empty, his plate steaming and growing cold long before he ever left that office of his.
But tonight they were both here, watching me. We were all quiet, yet our eyes never tired. The silence that was usually a cozy blanket had turned stifling and my tongue itched to speak.
"So..... what happened while I was gone?" I lifted my spoon again and watched the soup slough off of it. You're stalling Soph, c'mon.
Mr. Forkle looked up but Livvy was the one to answer. "Not much. It was boring without you." In any other circumstances her peppy tone would have be usual, but now it just felt as fake as her smile.
It's now or never. You might not get another chance to talk to Mr. Forkle. Even though my adrenaline had long died off, a desire to run again buzzed below my skin. I needed to save the boy before the rest of my memory slipped like sand in an hourglass.
"I was wondering if we could talk about something. A mission idea actually."
I cringed as their spoons squeaked to a stop. Mr. Forkle wiped his mouth and shook his head, "No, I don't think that's a good idea. You just got back and you should really keep up your training."
I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice calm, "Well just hear me out-"
"-No. End of discussion." His tone was so low and his eyes so darkened by shadows cast from the lights above that any other time I would have shrunk away.
No, I deserved this. "We haven't even had a discussion yet." I urged on.
Livvy looked to me then to Forkle and I could tell she was mostly undecided. Her voice changed to a sweeter tone you take with small children, "Really, I think you should listen to Mr. Forkle."
I shut my eyes for a seconds and attempted to latch onto a calm feeling. I couldn't lash out. "No," I said shakily, "I want to go. I want to save the boy."
"The boy?" Mr. Forkle asked, his attention now painfully towards me.
Good, he's listening at least. "Yes, the boy. Keefe."
"And why do you want to save him?"
This part was harder. Since Keefe wasn't involved with the Black Swan, Mr. Forkle really wouldn't care too much. "I think he knows me, if that makes sense. Look I have been having these weird flashbacks. I almost had all of my memory back. But it's leaving again. I mean I remember all of you, but this boy, I feel I know him. I think he might know why my memory keeps coming and going"
Livvy leaned over to Mr. Forkle and whispered something. I could only catch onto the words, "..... certain....... elixir...."
"What are you talking about?" I ask exasperated.
Mr. Forkle side eyes me then stands up, "I think we're done here. It's getting late."
I stand up immediately, my plate crashing to the floor. "No."
He's halfway through the doorway when he stops. "No?"
Livvy chews on her lip, "Not here guys, not now. Let's just go to bed"
"No? What do you mean no?" Mr. Forkle makes it sound like it is a made up word.
I narrow my eyes, "I am leaving and I am saving that boy. If I want the rest of my memory back I needed to do it now. Whatever caused me to lose them in the first place is already pulling me back again. Soon I don't think I will remember anything at all."
Mr. Forkle raised his eyebrows, "And that's a problem? Look, I highly doubt the boy was of any importance if you can't even remember him."
He chuckles at the end but it isn't kindly. Livvy narrows her own eyes and crosses her arms, "Why don't we talk?" She says through clenched teeth.
I look confusedly between them, "What are you talking about?"
"Nothing." Mr Forkle says coolly.
I'm done.
I jam my chair back into the table, "I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't know when but it I'll return. Don't even think about following me."
Mr. Forkle is in my way before I can even get another foot in. He leans down and says, "Ms. Foster you are all that matters right now, not the Sencen boy."
My brows furrow, "I never said he was a Sencen."
I frown deeply, "I never said he was a Sencen, how did you know?"
Realization crossed Mr. Forkle's face but before he could say anything Livvy jumped in. "It's nothing, really Soph"
"You know him!" I spit out. "You lied to me!"
I raised my hands to push him away but Mr. Forkle caught them and held me by my wrists. Sternly he says, "I think you'd best go to bed. You're obviously tired."
I drop my voice to his level. "Let. Go. Of. Me."
He doesn't.
"Let go of me. Now."
Still he holds on.
"Sophie wait-"
But Livvy's voice is cut off by the crackle of flames. Mr. Forkle jumps back from my hands lit with a fire so orange it almost looks fake. He backs into the wall but Livvy stays close.
"Go away." I warn her.
Already the tug of my ability calls me. The fire is hungrier than I expected and I have to clench my jaw to keep control. "I'm leaving."
Mr. Forkle reaches for one of the buckets of water, but I'' faster. My flames eat up the beams above us and one comes crashing down next to him. Smoke fills the room, thick as a cloth and I step over the cracked beam. I can hear Livvy yelling and Mr. Forkle coughing, a horrible racking sound.
"I'm sorry." I whisper to the smoke covered room. I can't even see them.
My eyes water and I don't know if it is emotions or the smoke. Either way I step into the hallway, tug my hoodie down farther on my face, and quickly make my way down to my room. The crystal is lying there on my bed, innocent yet deadly.
I chuckle drily, I can relate.
Pulling the straps of my backpack around me I lift the crystal. Smoke curls around the door way and spills over my feet. The house will be gone in seconds.
"I'm coming Keefe."

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