S E V E N T E E N: The Fire as Blue as the Sky

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"Sophie?" Fitz questioned.
But he didn't need to. Fitz could see it on her sickened face. Even Fintan's eyes bore something like pity.
"I'm sorry" she squeezed out, still confused why she was even apologizing to her kidnapper in the first place.
Fintan swept his arm over the air and the fires burning Havenfield dissipated, leaving scars of ash behind. Fitz stepped protectively closer to Sophie and she didn't even notice through her surprise.
"What are you doing here then?" Fitz asked.
Fintan straightened up and the shards of something moral was gone again. "I'm here for Sophie. She needs a proper teacher since the Black Swan gene tweaking has quite obviously strengthened her"
His tone was too practiced and Fitz guessed he had been planning Sophie's abduction for some time then. Fitz shook his head before Fintan even got to the second sentence.
"No way"
Fintan grinned and cocked his head, "You honestly think that you have a choice?"
Fitz looked the maniac in the eyes without fear, "I may not, but I highly doubt Sophie will let you take her either. And I'd hate to be going against a highly emotional and powerful Pyrokinetic right now"
Fintan took this into consideration, weighing the fact that Gethen and Lady Gisela would have heard of his jailbreak right now. If he wanted Sophie to be truly in his side, he would need to convince her it was for the better of everyone.
"Sophie," she looked up through the tears, "You need to come with me. If not for yourself, for your friends. Your family" Fintan added.
Sophie's brows furrowed, "Family?"
Fintan chuckled drily, "Don't play dumb with me right now Ms. Foster. Think of Mr. Vacker over here"
Sophie glanced over to Fitz, "I-I don't even know him"
Fitz eyes widened with the realization of what Sophie just told Fintan, but it was too late. Fintan smiled gleefully and he gasped, Fitz's terrified eyes confirming his suspicion.
"She doesn't remember you, does she? Who does she remember?" Fintan probed eagerly, wanting to be sure he was right before doing anything.
Fitz couldn't slap a hand over Sophie's mouth any faster. He pushed her head into his chest and held another arm over her chest, pinning her to himself.
"She. Is. Fine" Fitz choked out.
Sophie was too confused to try to move. Not to mention her heart fluttered with Fitz's breathing. If she had to chose between them, Sophie was going with the boy.
Fintan lit a bright blue fire in his hands that rivaled the sky itself. His once gleeful, excited tone was now impatient and the fire flickered higher with every word.
"Mr. Vacker, step away from Ms. Foster. Right. Now. I'm done wasting my time with this. She doesn't even remember the one thing that kept her from being in my clutch the first time. And now," he frowned, "We're leaving"
Fitz anxiously peered over the edge, but none of his friends or the Ruewens were rushing to the roof. His heart sunk when he realized what was going to happen. He was more useful to Sophie alive then dead and he didn't want to test Fintan's patience any further.
He spun Sophie around and released her from his grip. Fitz bent down to look her directly in her eyes and Sophie leaned away awkwardly. "Please, Soph. I'll come for you. I'm promise-e"
His voice cracked with pain on the last word and Fitz let go of Sophie's wrists while he could muster the courage. Fitz stepped away from her terrified body and wrapped his shaking arms around himself, even his fingers were twitching.
Sophie glanced between Fitz and Fintan's brining hand which she placed herself as far away as she could, "Wait, help me! PLEASE!"
Her voice felt like a battering ram as Fitz's heart shattered. He squeezed his eyes shut and whispered, "You're going to be fine, just go with him. Please Sophie"
She sobbed quietly and took a deep breath, edging herself close to Fintan while still staying away form his fire.Fintan laid a heavy hand on Sophie's shoulder and Fitz watched ragefully as she winced under the weight.
"We will get her back" Fitz swore, this time to Fintan.
Fintan smirked, "For everyone's sake, I pray you don't"
Suddenly a wall of dark orange flames blazed inches from Fitz's face. Panting he stumbled back instinctively and fell to the ground. The flames vanished as quickly as they had come and Fitz stared at the empty pocket of air where Sophie had been.
His mind reeled with Fintan's last words as they were still fresh in his mind. What did Fintan mean by 'everyone's' sake?

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