N I N E: The Meeting at Calla's Tree

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It had been two days since Sophie's first session with Fintan and already half of us would have jumped at the opportunity to kill him.

Myself included. I have this great pair of six inch stilettos that would do that job nicely. I felt the usual sharp pain in my ankle and adjusted my heels again. How could something so pretty be so painful?

Fitz crossed his arms, "Biana, change your shoes"

I stood and scoffed, "No way Fitz, c'mon. We should keep going"

He rolled his eyes at me, but continued along the path. Since the adults had been talking behind locked doors lately, we decided to take things into our own hands. I could see everyone surrounding Calla's tree at the crest of the hill. With one more quick pull of the shoe, I strode up to join them.

Impatiently, Fitz started talking first, "Alright, so why exactly did you call us here Dex?"

Dex's cheeks bloomed with red, he did that when he was excited.

How did I know that?

I tossed away the thought and listened in. Dex pulled out a pair of slender metal anklets, "They're somewhat like the ability restrictor," everyone shifted uncomfortably and Dex quickly finished his sentence, "But they're more pointed to one ability. In this case, Pyrokinetics"

I grabbed the anklets and flipped them over, "Maybe I can add some opals or diamonds to them, are you sure they'll work?"

Dex nodded and we all stared at the anklets for a long time. Keefe cleared his throat, "It's weird, right?"

I looked up, "What's weird?"

He looked embarrassed, "The fact that Sophie is a Pyrokinetic"

I nodded immediately, "Yeah, I mean that's what we've been fighting for the past few years"

Dex joined in, "I just hate to think of what people with that ability can do. It's even harder to imagine a friend with it"

We all nodded in agreement, it felt wrong. I gave the anklets back to Dex, "Hey, I had question for you"

He smiled, "Shoot"

I chewed my glossed lips, "Since you're good at alchemy and you're a Technopath, is there at way to get rid of Sophie's ability? I just think it would be for the best"

"I agree, I would hate to see this rip her apart like it did Brant and Fintan" Tam stepped forward.

Dex put the anklets back in his pockets and I could see his mind reeling, blueprints and formulas already popping up. "Well, it would hard to say. It's never been done before, but I can do some research on it"

I squealed and impulsively hugged him. His cheeks looked bright red, as did mine, and I released him. Fitz cleared his throat and glared at Dex, "Yeah, why don't you go do some research"

Dex nodded and in a flash of light, he was gone. Everyone hung around the tree uncomfortably, wanting to stay but unsure if they should. Linh finally grabbed Tam's hand and held up her pathfinder, "Me and Tam should go, school starts up again tomorrow"

I nodded and mentally kicked myself. How were we going help Sophie if our break ended tomorrow? Fitz, as if reading my mind, which he could, said "I think we should find some time to be in contact with Sophie, I want her to know we support her. Maybe I could mind link with her every week?"

Keefe laughed and mimicked Fitz accent, "Oh yes, because I'm Sophie's cognate and blah blah blah"

I couldn't help smiling, Keefe's humor was always appreciated. Linh waved a small hand and she and Tam stepped in their light.

I kicked at the ground miserably, "We should all go, school starts soon"

Fitz took my hand and I followed him down the hill. I wished I was a Telepath so I could read his mind. Instead, I had to do it the little sister way.

I batted my eyes, "Fitz, do you mind telling me what's on your mind?"

He looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Yes, I do mind"

I sighed, "Please, please, please, please, please, Please, please, please, please, please, Please, please, please, please, please,Please, please, please, please, please, ple-"

Fitz held up a hand, "Okay, I get it. I'm just worried about Sophie, that's all"

I rubbed his shoulder, "Fitz, Sophie is the strongest girl I know. If anyone can resist becoming like Fintan, it's her"

He nodded, but I could see my words slipping through his mind. It was no use, he would be madly fixated on this until everything returned to his 'normal'. I waited for him to finish pacing the ground before lifting up my pathfinder. "C'mon Fitz, let's go home"

Together we stepped through and the hazy pastures of Havenfield dissipated. We found ourselves shimmering into the back gardens of Everglen, our parents standing there glaring at us.

My father eyed me first, "Biana, so you want to tell me something?"

I shook my head and the lie came to me smoothly, "We were just seeing everyone, we have all been so worried". We weren't going to let the adults ruin our plan for Sophie's cuffs, it was the only way to help her.

My mother smiled, "I told you Alden, it's nothing. Now come along Biana, I got you this gorgeous navy dress"

I flashed an excited smiled and sealed the moment with a squeal. Fitz mouthed me a silent thank you before joining me and Mom back to the house.

Finally, I was going to actually help. And this time, I was ready to do whatever it takes.

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