Chapter Eight

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"You okay? You look like someone smashed your head with a hammer." Max asked me as the four of us walked to the cafeteria together before school. I think back to the awkward incident of holding hands with Carol. I can still feel the soft texture of her hands. Feminine with a firm grip. How I wish I could feel her small hands on my big ones again. But I messed up my chance with her, maybe she is going to hate me. "Yeah... slept late yesterday." I fake a yawn so they would not ask me anything else.

The three of them were a little suspicious but decided not to pursue. I dragged my feet across the floor to the cafeteria as I thought of how depressing the encounter with Carol in the bus was. I was supposed to strike up a conversation with her on anything just so that we would forget about the intertwining hands. I sighed heavily as I wonder what she would think of me now. We reached the cafeteria and we sat on our usual area.

"The usual, thank you" We told Kyle as he went to get our food in the cafeteria. He walked dimly towards the crowded line as he tried to stick himself inside the mob. Max and Bailey were busy with their relationship "stuffs" which made me a bit uneasy because I feel like a third wheel. I hope Kyle comes back quickly so that he can be the fourth. I let out a heavy sigh as I spotted Carol sitting at her usual spot.

Embarrassing thoughts started filling my mind. What is she going to think of me now? I look like a weirdo in the bus. I cleared my throat loudly and surprised the couple. Both of them looked at me. "Oh... I-I'm sorry." I cleared my throat again while looking out the window. I think I should go there and strike up a conversation or something. Or maybe I shouldn't because she thinks that I am weird. Or maybe she likes me? I sighed impatiently as I stood up from the table and left the couple alone.

"I am going to come back" I casually sauntered across to where Carol is sitting. She did not notice that I am walking towards her as she is reading the comic that I had just given her just now. Just strike up a conversation, and everything will be okay. I sat down across from her and lightly tapped the book. She put down the book and was surprised that I am here. She was so focused on the book that she even forgot to eat her lunch on the table.

Hi. She continued reading the book. Great, now she is ignoring me. "How do you find the book?" She wrote something on her note with one hand while the other hand is holding the book in front of her face. It seems she is really in love with the comics. So far I am enjoying it. I have learned more about Usagi and Piske. It seems what my mom told me has been true all along.

"Which part do you find it amazing?" I delved in deeper as she is reading the first book. The part where Usagi sacrifices his tail to save Piske from a robber but later realizes that his tail can grow back. I laughed at that. "Oh yeah the first episode, where Usagi and Piske first knew each other." I cleared my throat, thinking of giving her some spoilers for the later episode but decided not to for fear of missing my throat and possibly a few strands of my hair.

The way she reads is peaceful. Her face emanates calmness and seriousness at the same time. I looked at her with awe as she reads each sentences and see each scenario in the comic from the right to left pattern of her eyes. I just realized how beautiful her eyes are and how long her eyelashes are. "Did you apply makeup today?" I asked curiously as her eyes are focused on the pages. She suddenly turn to face me.

No I didn't, I am not a makeup person. In fact, I do not know how to apply makeup which is embarrassing now that I mention it. She expresses it as a matter of fact. "Oh, that's fine. You still look pretty decent." With that statement, she blushed a little. I am not. My chest area is undergrown and I am really short, how am I decent? She is just stating the facts about her body but I am not budging with her reasoning.

"You don't need to be tall and have a big one to be pretty you know? As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Why am I sounding more like a nerd the more time I spend with her? I should change my style from now on. She blushed again. Why not? What's so great about small chests? She defended her point. "Well, I am not a girl but I can think of many reasons. Like, you don't get interrupted when you're walking down the stairs or when you're running, or when you're hugging someone, hey at least they won't feel awkward with your chest in the way, right?" I laughed at that statement.

She seems to laugh a little. Thank you for cheering me up with your out-of-the-world and unique reasoning, but really with the interruption going down the stairs? She defended her point with a note again. "Yeah, the way it... uhm... you know what I am talking about." I was about to say the word 'bounce' but I guess it will make me more of a creep. Alright, I get it. Thank you. She breathe out a heavy sigh of relief. "That's right, be optimistic" I stood up and went back to my place. "Remember to finish the Usagi series, because I am going to give you a quiz" I smiled at her.

She waved me goodbye as I strolled back to where the couples and Max are with their respective food. I told you all you need is a conversation. My inner voice replied. "Where were you?" Max asked curiously as he wolfed his food. "Nowhere special, just went to the toilet, the boy's toilet of course." I said it mysteriously stressing the last five words. Kyle looked at me incredulously. "You didn't go to the girl's toilet did you?" Bailey is disgusted with the obvious face she made.

"No..?" I answered back as I sat down to munch on my burgers and fries. Max looked at me incredulously. Looks like I have to fake something out just so that they will trust me. "Alright look, I had taco bells yesterday." I lied. Max almost laughed as he teased me. He stole some of my fries and stuffed it in his mouth. "Does that mean that you go to the girls' toilet when you take taco bells?" Max roasted me.

Bailey and Kyle held their laughs with their hands. I continued eating my lunch calmly. "I will let you go this time Max, next time, it's my turn to roast you." I grinned at him as I finished the last piece of my burger. "We'll see about that" Bailey and Kyle continued laughing. And this is how we all pass our days at school every single day. With me roasting Max and Max roasting me. Kyle and Bailey are just the spectators.

But now I have Carol. I looked outside the window at the football field as the three of them went to send their plates back to the food counter. How the times have changed. Karl used to be in our gang before he left for St. Mary's High school to pursue his chemistry degree. Oh well, at least he is still living temporarily in my house, sometimes I would see the interesting projects that he is making.

But things are different because with Karl, I still have someone to support my roast against Max. Now I am alone fending him off. Maybe I should bring Carol into our group. Actually, wait, that's a bad idea. I forgot about Bailey. I wonder why Bailey hates Carol that much. "Hey, you coming?" I am immediately snapped out of my daydream with Max's voice. The three of them looked at me.

"Oh yes of course, just packing things up." I went to the food counter to return my plate. I looked at where Carol was sitting before and now it is just a table with four other students. The three of them went back to class as I took my time wandering around the hallways since recess is still not over yet. As I walked to the main corridor, I overheard someone talking at the storage room.

"Hey, come on, I promise you, it will be great money." A grumpy voice spoke. "I know you're poor and you want to support your family, so work for us, and we will pay you." I listened more closely as I approached the door. I could only hear mumbles and repressed shouts. It sounds like Carol's. "Come on, girl, we know you want it, think of what you can do with the money" I hear bangs and more repressed shouts.

Someone is struggling inside. I quickly opened the door and to my horror, I see two boys molesting Carol. Her bra almost came off and her face is filled with tears. Her hands are tied and her shoes came off. I become boiled with rage and decided to do the next thing that I deem is right even if God forbade me.

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