Chapter Nineteen

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"Forty nine" I panted heavily as the sweat drops from my chin to the ground as I try to do the fifty push ups challenge. "Fifty! There you go!" I stood up unstable and fell back to the ground. "Yo Andy, got you" Kyle gave me his sweaty hands and pulled me up from the ground. "Nice job Andy. You're gonna go all out on that match got it? You are our team's ace. Don't forget that" Coach Williams is congratulating me over and over again, that is what I like about him.

"I won't, sir. I won't" He patted me on my back as he went on to see other players with their push ups in the gym. Tomorrow is the big day. Well technically not yet. We will reach the stadium tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is the big day. I stabilised my breathing as Kyle and I took our seat on the bench. "Funny how we were sitting like this a few weeks ago with you looking at your crush, and now we are sitting with each other again, looking at our teammates." Kyle sipped his red-bull as he started recollecting moments we had.

I sipped mine as well, thinking of a good reply. "You getting emotional bro? We are boys, no emotions allowed." I laughed at him while mimicking Coach Williams 'inspirational men' sessions. "I mean like." He sipped his drink and continued. "It's funny how in just a few weeks of schooling and practicing with each other, we bonded quickly and we got over our individual problems and decided to work as a team." He finished sipping his red-bull as he looked at me.

"Remember how, in our Basketball team... there is only you, me and Max who are dependable" He shot his emptied can into a receptacle about three metres away, and it hit spot on. "What do you mean?" I threw mine as well into the receptacle. "The rest of the boys are shit in our previous team. That is what I mean" We both laughed. "Not going to deny that bro. Just looking at how our team performs in practice is getting me hyped up as well" I looked at the marginal difference between this year's team with our previous year's team.

"And how about... your crush? Or has the boat started its journey? In that case I should wish you a bon voyage" I laughed. "Let's just say, she is the first individual who understands me, and the first individual whom I can relate to" I speak with honesty. "Really, bro. Carol?" Kyle looked at Max who is struggling with his 48th push up. "You know Bailey is not going to be happy when she knows about this." He replied.

"I know. That is why I don't want her to know about this. I don't even get the reason behind her hatred towards Carol. Like what's up?" I started packing my things to go back to class. "Girls will always be girls. Never know what they are up to at any moment. But if there is a fight between you and Bailey and Max, rest assured I am standing by you and Carol." Both of us fist bumped. "Thanks dude, appreciate it." I walked out of the gym and started heading towards the classroom.

I have not been able to see Carol for such a long time. For the past week I did not take the bus to school or to go back home because I had to come early for practice and had to go back home late for another practice session. I wonder what Carol is up to. While walking, I searched my bag for the present that I am about to give to Carol soon. Her new phone. I begged my uncle for it, kind of. He told me to help him manage his store after my competition. Oh well, sacrifices had to be made, especially for the one you love.

I sighed heavily as I open the classroom door. The girls screamed as one of them slapped me on the face and kicked me on the groin. They then pushed me out of the door. It seems like they were changing their uniforms. I cursed under my breath as I rubbed my red cheeks and my groin area, hopefully I can still have kids with Carol. "You're a pervert Andy!" I could hear girls screaming out my name as I lay in that position for quite some time. "How would I know that you girls were changing?" I laughed slightly. Oh well, at least that was not Carol slapping and kicking me in the groin, should be grateful for that at least.

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