Chapter Twelve

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The computer screen in front of me shone brightly as I search for information of how to improve myself over the next two weeks. I did a lot of research on health and nutrition and found that most girls like the V shape body in men. It is after midnight, the time when both my parents and Karl are asleep. I flexed my biceps to see how much I need to gain over the next two weeks to be considered 'likeable'.

I wonder if she even likes bulky guys. I smiled at the thought of surprising her with my newly built body. I laze around on my computer chair as I closed my eyes for a little rest until someone called my phone. The blaring noise that it made surprised me as I quickly answered the phone without looking at who is calling me. "Andy... you free?" It's Max. He doesn't sound too good. I could hear him sobbing over the phone. Typical Max.

"Really bro? At this hour?" I said as I scrolled through the website for more information. "Something just... came up. Can we meet at the old place?" We had not been to our 'old place' since last year and by old place he meant the roof of my house. "What's up?" I asked him again. "Just... talking about things... if that's okay." He sounded pathetic and I even surmised that it is about Bailey. I sighed heavily as I think of what my parents would say if he comes at this hour. Max's house is just a few blocks away from mine.

"Alright. But no noise." I said. "Thank you bro. Will be there with some tissues." I got off the phone and turned off the computer. "I guess gym is the one place that I would be for the next two weeks, after dealing with Max." I crawled lazily on the floor because firstly, I am not a night guy and secondly, I don't deal with friends late at night. But if it is for Max, I can handle it. He was the first friend that I had when I first came to this new school myself.

Going down the stairs to the living room, I heard a soft knock at my door. "Andy?" I heard Max's voice behind the front door and decided to let him in. "What's up?" I saw his the drunk expression on his face. He walked in unsteadily and fell on my shoulders before supporting himself back upright. "Champagne?" I asked him as I led him up the stairs quietly to my room.

"Nah" He burped as he silenced his footsteps. "Just some... beers" I climbed out of my bedroom window and pulled myself up to the roof. When I got comfortable with my seating position, I pulled Max up to join me. "So...?" I asked him as I counted the brilliant stars on the night sky. The whole neighbourhood is quiet, with broken streetlights blinking occasionally. "Just wanted to... see the stars with you." He sounded extremely gay to see stars with another boy after midnight on a roof but hey, I am not going to complain it out loud.

I looked at him incredulously. "Definitely hiding something" He look unsurprised. He hiccupped a few times before telling the truth. "Actually. I have something to tell you." I adjusted my legs on the roof as I stared at the amalgamation of stars into a few humanoid figures. I waited for him to tell the truth as I spotted one figure that looks like Carol. "I think I have been cheated." He hiccupped again and sobbed. I listened closely to what he said. "I saw Bailey flirting with another guy today. Not sure what had happened between us, it's like she has ghosted me. When I asked her about it, she denies everything. So it..." He sighed as he massages his chest. "It really hurts... you know?" He started wiping the tears away from his face.

That's the thing about Max that made him my lifelong friend. He is vulnerable and emotional. And whoever tells you that boys must man up and never cry, that person is coarsely judging you. Looking at Max's feminine side, I realized that if you really want to find your true self, you should embrace your feminine side as well. Because in the end, both sides have their own importance. Maybe I am just too biased but hey, it's just an opinion of mine.

"Like... we promised each other a forever." I let him continue his weeping as I concentrated on the beautiful and mesmerising stars. It would be a different conversation if it was Carol sitting beside me instead of Max. "I don't know... maybe I am just overthinking about it. But if you're in a relationship, you will feel it... Instincts" The last word that he said echoed in my brain on a constant loop. Instincts. I immediately think of Carol.

"Like... I still remember the way we used to hug each other." He continued as I feel a vibration in my pants. I took out my phone when Max is wiping away his tears. Bailey messaged me. Hey, Andy, sorry to disturb you this late at night. I have been planning a birthday party for Max at his house tomorrow midnight. I have been asking everyone to come, trying to flirt with them so that they would at least come to Max's birthday party because I love him so much. And I really want him to know it when his birthday strikes. So... I am secretly planning it with other boys because we need to move this and that. And he thinks that I am cheating on him. So... you up for his party?

I smiled as I put the phone away. "I really love her. Like... I really mean it." He started crying. I interrupted him. "Dude, if you really love her, never let a boy steal her away from you." I started saying the things that I would do when I am dating with Carol in the future. Max looked at me with his teary eyes. "Tell her how you truly feel. Never give up on a person, no matter how hard it is." I smiled as I extended my hands to count the little white stars. "Because in the end, the heart never lies." It's funny how my mind suddenly remembered about the past. The girl that I once loved. She was the one who told me the same sentence that I just told Max.

I feel like a hypocrite now because I have loved a second person. I remembered how I made a pinky promise with her, that I would never love anyone else apart from her. Well that was a decade ago. We were young and stupid, never knew what real love really was. So I guess it didn't count as a real one. "The heart... never lies?" Max asked me as he stops crying. I patted him on his shoulders as I prepared to go back to the bedroom.

"When you have a choice to choose between your brain or your heart in love. Listen to your heart." I said it philosophically as I entered the bedroom. Max got in a few minutes later when he finally stopped crying and puts on a determined face. "I think I get it." He pats me on my shoulder as I was about to sleep. "Thank you so much... bro" When he was about to get out of my bedroom door, he tripped and fell and made a lot of noise. I sighed heavily.

"S-Sorry!!" He ran down the stairs and out to the road. My parents opened the door and checked on me. I turned off all the lights before they could suspect anything. All the while I closed my eyes, thinking of Carol and me, holding hands, enjoying our honeymoon together, having a family, and living until we are old. Loyalty forever.

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