Chapter 5: Aight

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Ok, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Thursday so yeah.

Lefty's POV:
"We don't work today." I looked up from my bed to see Molten in my doorway. "W-What? Why?" I asked, now sitting up in my bed. He smiled, "Adding a new stage for the Mediocre Melodies. They couldn't have anyone in the building at the time so it's technically a day off." He then walked off down the hall, probably to the small kitchen. So, a day off? Finally. I'm getting tired of Funtime Chica harassing me and random mom's complaining about not enough cheese being on their pizzas. It's annoying but fun at the same time.

I stood up and brushed the blankets off of me. I already missed their warmth but I knew I had to get up. My bangs flopped infront of my left eye, covering the black orb. Weird how my eye didn't get infected after being stabbed. I thought I'd die from an infection I've never heard of it even my eye falling out, but no. He wouldn't take me to a hospital so I cleaned the area five times a day and bandaged it. Now, the blood just stayed inside my eye, making it all a reddish black. I cover it because you wouldn't believe how many people have screamed upon seeing it.

I walked out of my room, shaking my thoughts away. I needed to find something to distract me from them so I decided to watch some TV. I could watch something in my room, but I'd rather do it in the living room. In there, Molten can watch too. Well, if he wants to.

I sat on the couch, flipping through Movies on Netflix. A lot of crazy shit is happening on the News so the antenna was a no-go. So, while flipping through random stuff, I didn't notice Molten sitting beside me with toast. "Want some?" I turn my head to Molten holding out a piece. I nodded and took it, biting it. Ah yes, bread.

I quickly swallowed it and asked, "W-What you wanna watch?" He stared at the floor for a moment before responding,"You choose." So, I played [Insert epic Movie/ Show.]

When it ended, Molten shot up from the couch, stretching his limbs. "I'ma go for a jog. You can do whatever." Then he went back to his room to probably get dressed. I didn't really know what to do so I ran to my room, grabbed my phone and headphones, then ran back to the comfortable couch. I would just stay in my room but I wanted to be on the couch. It's just very very soft.

A couple minutes later, Molten walked back into the small living room now in a white tang-top and black shorts (idk). To be honest, he looked hOt. But you can't just flat out tell your boss/ roommate that he's hot, so I stayed silent, quietly admiring his body. But like dAmN.

"I'll be back around 1." I snapped out of my thoughts by Molten waving at me before running out the front door. Since he's gone, there's nothing to do. Maybe I can annoy Liz for a while, sending her memes.

I'ma have them texting cause I can.

Lefty: Hey
Liz:Hey bitch

Lefty: HeyLiz:Hey bitchLefty:

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Liz: Fuck you.

I giggled, plugging my headphones in before I would respond. I quickly opened Spotify and clicked a random Hamilton song, then went back to talking to her.

Lefty: How you been?
Liz: nIcE.
Lefty: wat
Lefty: Why'd you say it like that?
Liz: You mean nice?
Lefty: No, nIcE.
Liz: Cause I can.
Lefty: >:O
Liz: :)

I giggled again at her silliness. She's always been able to put a smile on my face, even through the "bad times".

Lefty: So anyways
Lefty: Want some random stuff?
Liz: Ah Y E S
Lefty: (Insert random shit. I would put some stuff but it takes a lot of room.)
Liz: Wait, I gotta super funny joke.
Lefty: Wat?
Liz: So there's this scientist
Lefty: NO
Liz: Why :'(
Lefty: It was never funny.
Liz: Bet

(Same thing 10x)

I forgot about the time, so Molten startled me when he bursted through the door, making me fall off the couch. "Sorry." He quickly apologized, speed walking to help me up. I replied with, "It's fine," and sat back on the couch, shaking him away. He smiled and sat beside me. "So, watcha do?" He slouched in the cushion and turned his attention to me. I mumbled, "Talk to Liz." Then slouched too, handing him the remote, which he refused.

"You can pick something, I'm taking a shower." Hr stood back up and walked to his room. I was like "aight" then started looking through shows I'll probably never watch. A couple minutes later, I heard the water running. Come to think of it, when was the last time I had a shower? Shit. Guess I'll take one once he's done.

A few more minutes later, I heard the water stop. I didn't pay any attention to it, keeping my eyes on my phone, occasionally gazing around the room. I heard a few footsteps before I felt someone sit down, instinctively turning my head to it. Obviously, it was Molten.

Be was now in a different pair of black shorts with a flimsy blue shirt. I sat my phone down and got up, stretching my arms. "I'ma take a shower too." I then walked down the small hall to my room.

Molten's POV:
Lefty went to his room, probably taking a shower too since he left his phone in here. I heard the shower start, probably Lefty getting in it. Right now, a show I didn't notice was on and his phone was just laying on the couch.

I know what I'm about to do is bad and kinda ruins privacy, but I still picked up his phone. Luckily, he didn't have a password on it, so I just swiped my finger and his apps appeared. He had a picture from when we were at the park as his background, me a d him in the middle of it while Scrapbaby and Happy Frog were on our sides. I hated the fact I was going through his phone, but I want to know him. Something in my gut tells me he's more than just an employee. And he's very secretive.

I looked through his gallery, only finding pictures of people and some injuries I took note of. Though, I couldn't find anything that answered my questions. I heard the water stop, making me drop his phone and return to mine. Don't need him catching me on his phone.

He came in the room with pajamas on, matching his fur. You could if swore he was named from afar. I'm guessing he didn't have anything to do today from his clothes, kinda obvious. Be always seemed antisocial. Mostly from his shyness, but I noticed he only likes talking to Scrapbaby and surprisingly me. I like that he trusts me and doesn't really fear me.

Lefty's POV: just a short part.

I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch beside Molten. He turned on a random movie and leaned back while I sat with my knees on the couch, in a kneeling position. My phone vibrated in my hand so I opened it to Liz messaging me.

Liz: It's June
Lefty: Um
Lefty: K?
Liz: It's JUNE
Lefty: Yeah I know but why are you telling me?
Liz: -_-
Liz: Pride month
Lefty: Oh Shit-

It's been almost a week so have a shirt chapter. Only shirt like, 2500 words but eh. So. Um. That's it.

Buh bai~

Buh bai~

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