Chapter 12: You better not die.

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Tee Hee 👉👈

Molten's POV:

I sat beside Lefty's hospital bed, lying my head on his chest. I couldn't sleep alone at my apartment so I came back here. Though, I don't know why. I always was alone before Lefty. Even my childhood, I was ignored and neglected by my dad, so why was it different?

Well, I always thought Lefty was the cutest thing in the galaxy. And, I fantasized about doing things to him, but I thought everyone did that. Maybe they didn't?

I don't know, I wasn't taught anything as a child. One day, all this random stuff happened, and I figured out what was happening by myself. No one's help. So maybe these thoughts meant something. I knew I liked him, but maybe I loved him? I did kiss him many of times, and can't forget when we thought we were going to die. Though, I thought panic was just taking control of me.

Maybe I do love him. I'm just slow. I always thought I did, but never acknowledged it. Now, seeing him like this, just broke me. If I could cry, I would. But when 50% of you is metal and fake fur, it's hard to.

Liz tried to stay, but the doctors took notice of her missing hand and dragged her into a room. While she was getting a prostatic claw or hand, the burnt looking Mangle was also getting help. Lucky for her, she didn't lose as much blood as Lefty. When she was shot, there was the other around 16 cops to help, which are probably being fired for running, but Lefty only had four. It's not fair.

Will left a while ago, saying he needed to do something. I'm pretty sure he said something about going to the police station, and went with Chica. Though, Chica said, and I quote, "I'm going over there to confront my so called friends, and beat the shit out of them." She's one angry chicken.

I sighed, shaking my head. Well, more like rubbing my chin against Lefty. He did nothing to anyone and this happened. He could've died. I need to remind myself to worship Chica for tackling Foxy. Or maybe just get her a job. That might be nice, but the Diner's kinda destroyed.

My phone beeped. I quickly turned it on and read the message Liz sent me, saying she's done. A few seconds later, she almost broke the door off its hinges by slamming it open, a smile plastered across her face.

"Look what they gave me!" She shoved a metal claw in my face, making me frown. I didn't want to disturb Lefty, so I quickly shoved it back.

"That's nice, but Lefty's still dying so could you not?" Her smile only softened.

"Well yeah, that's why I bought him these." She sat a bag beside me, probably from the gift shop. "I know you wouldn't leave him, so I bought this for you. Tell him you bought. Bye! I'll be back!" Then she skated back out, slamming the door again.

I muttered an apology before grabbing the bag and opening it. Inside were two plushies; a white and orange one beside a black and grey one. I smiled, sitting them back in. There was candy in it also, but I didn't want to read them all off.

I happily sighed, laying my head back on his chest. I didn't get any sleep at the apartment, so I was drowzy. Sleeping like this would probably hurt, so I stood up.

Chica's POV:( Angy gorl)

I threw open the interrogation room, where my "friends" sat. Will wanted to come with me, so I let him. I'm friends with a lot of cops, so they let me in. I even got a job as a homicide detective, which made it better~ I couldn't wait to beat the shit out of them.

They all looked up from the table, a smile spreading across their lips. Though, when they finally understood I wasn't breaking them out, they frowned. Well, Bonnie tried to, but moving his face probably hurt.

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