Chapter 11: It was you!

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Tbh I don't even know the plot so-
Also, I don't know what the news would say so ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Lefty's POV:

"Tonight we have the story of our "fallen star". Earlier today at X:XX, Rockstar's Diner bursts to flames. Cause of fire is theorized to be a freak accident but we have no evidence yet."

"Thanks Jane, and now the tragedies. Our total is.... Ok. Our total is 7 unharmed, 7 harmed, and 3 dead. The lives of Henry Adams, Charlie Drake, and Patrick Johnson were taken today. Their stage names, or what their colleagues called them, are Candy Cadet, Music Man, and Pig Patch. May they rest i-"
(I made up random ass names)

Molten shut off the TV, resting his head in his arms. Everyone has been stressed since this morning, and it doesn't help that they don't know what caused it. Some believe the kitchen exploded, but others, including me, believe someone caused it. Chica said she was in the kitchen when she heard there was a fire, so it couldn't of been that. But, when she told everyone that, a couple accused her of starting the fire by putting foil in the microwave. I swear-

"What are we going to do, now." Liz asked, playing with the wires from her broken claw. I could tell she was still mad about Molten, but she'll forgive him soon. I hope.

"I don't know... But, you guys could always stay here!" Baby exclaimed, clapping her hands together. Oh, I forgot to mention. All of us are at Circus Baby's Pizza World for the time being. ALL, of us. The three establishments under Spring Bonnie's name. And, I'm pretty sure the other three under Fredbear's name is coming for some meeting. I don't know, no one is telling me anything.

And I was right. Other people walked through the double doors, some colorful, and some just a bland color. They started sitting at tables, so I scooted closer to Molten as Liz, Will, and the clown crew sat with us. I leaned closer to Molten when I saw the damn fox walk in with his smug look. I swear if I wasn't shy, I would stab him in the face, cut off his dick, rip off his arms and legs, then impale him with a pole to use him as a flag. But, you know, 👉🏽👈🏽.

"Last time that happened, I lost an arm and my face opens up." Liz joked, getting a few chuckles and sad looks. I still really don't know what happened, but I'm pretty sure right now isn't the time to ask. The red fox sat as close as he could to me. Which isn't much, cause he had to sit 3 tables away so it's fine. But he kept staring at me.

"Molten." I whispered, tapping his shoulder. He lifted his head and gave me a soft smile. I was about to tell him about the fox, but I could tell his smile was forced. Wouldn't it be kinda selfish to make him fix my problem while he just lost everything he worked for? So, instead I asked, "A-are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I could tell he was lying by the sad look still plastered on his face. It killed me to watch him be sad, so I side hugged him. After a few moments, he melted into the hug, resting his head on mine. "Thanks Lefty."

"N-no problem!" I beamed, giving him a sweet smile. This time, he smiled back. Me and him started to chat about random stuff, from toast to why the pickle Rick joke wasn't funny. Well, until Fredbear and Afton walked in, which made all of us silent.

Fredbear cleared his throat before taking a mic from the circus show stage. "As all of you know, Rockstar's Diner caught fire earlier today. Three casualties were in the fire, may they rest in piece, but we have new information about the fire."

The room filled with whispers, a few shocked faces, and a chicken from what I believe to be from Freddy Fazbear's, yelling "YASSSS BISH".

"Quiet down!" The room fell silent again as Fredbear continued, "From further investigation from the police, we learned that it was indeed a murder." A few people gasped. "But, the worst part is, it's believed to be someone in this room."

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