Chapter 20: Therapy❤️

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Tee Hee 👉👈

Lefty's POV:

Me, Liz, and Molten were sitting in a waiting room, vibing. There was an old lady and grandson sitting across from us, so I couldn't talk to the others. I'd be akward.

We came back to town this morning, and my ass still fUcKiNg hurt. Molten laughed at me about it while I was ripping apart a bag, so jokes on him. And Liz doesn't know, and will never know. That would be hell.

"Mrs. Pig?" A black and white dog stepped out of a door, holding a clipboard. The old lady and kid stood up and went into the room, leaving is three alone.

"We were here first! fUcKiNg old lady!" Liz hissed, crossing her arms. Molten deadpanned.

"Why are you here again?" He asked skeptically, looking at her over my head.

"I'm here to make sure Lefty says everything and doesn't lie." Molten nodded, side hugging me. He sat on my left while Liz sat on my right.

"I'm not gonna lie..." I muttered under my breath, resting my chin on my palm.

"Mhm, then what happened at the hospital?" Liz gave me an evil grin while Molten stared at me confused. I just waved them off and continued to stare at the black and white tile floor. He doesn't need to know what really happened.

A few minutes of silence, and occasional bickering from the two, a nurse finally comes in the room.

"Mrs. Cindy is ready for you." We all stood up and followed her into another room with four chairs, a purple cat sitting in one of them.

"Please have a seat." We obliged, sitting down the same way as in the waiting room. The cat grabbed a clipboard and pushed her glasses onto her eyes. "So, are you Lefty?" She pointed to me.

"Yeah..." Why do I even need therapy? I'm perfectly fine. Plus, ripping apart almost anything Molten touches is completely okay. Everyone does it.

"Ok, and you're here for...?" She trailed off, fixing her glasses. I was about to answer, but Molten did it for me.

"Well, he gets very emotional for small things. Most of the time, it's violent. Like ripping apart bags because I touched them, or will cry over small things. I just wanted to see if it has something to do with his father." My eyes widened. I thought everyone forgot about him! Damnit.

"See, no good reason. Guess we'll be going." I stood up, trying to leave, but Molten sat me back down. I muttered a curse word and stared at the floor.

"There was also this one time at-" I shot my hand to her mouth, stopping her from speaking. The cat hummed.

"So, severe jealousy and emotional trauma from his father?" The cat wrote it down on the clipboard. "Anyone else?"

"I'm pretty sure he had another therapist from a while ago." Molten added, glancing at me worriedly. "I don't know if there was anyone else." It was quiet now. Thank God they didn't mention-

"Lefty has an ex." I glared at Liz, who just scooted away. Molten looked confused.

"You have an ex?" I turned my head to him, hiding away my anger for Liz.

"Yeah, but I'm not going back to him. Ever." I shuddered, looking back at the cat. "Anything else you need to know?" I bitterly hissed.

"Now now, no need to get mad. They're just trying to help you. So, when was the first time he got severe jealousy?" She looked to the others, probably knowing I'm not going to give her a direct answer.

"Oh! Our second date. I was carrying a bag in each hand, so he couldn't hold it. The next day, they were destroyed." Molten explained, crossing his legs. The cat nodded, writing it on the clipboard.

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