Chapter 8: My chapter names are on point

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I learned what a sea pig is and I'm traumatized. You'd think it would be cute. No. They look like depressed jello. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Molten's POV:
"Ah fuck." I yelped, falling out of my bed, getting tangled in the sheets. My alarm kept blaring the same high pitched beep. Over, and over, and over again. I swear, if I wasn't stuck in these sheets I would rip it open and set it on fire. I was about to go on another rant about destroying my clock, but I heard quick footsteps.

"A-are you ok?" I raise my eyes from my restraints to see Lefty looking worriedly in the doorway. I muttered a simple, "Yeah." And untangled myself from the sheets. "O-Ok, good. I-I thought you g-got hurt." His eyes trailed around my room, probably just looking around. But the only thing worth looking at was Lefty~ Ew. I need to remember to hit myself for saying that but for now, I need food.

After throwing the sheets on the bed, I walked past Lefty to the kitchen. He seemed a little dazed, but followed after a few seconds. Once I entered the small room, I grabbed a few slices of bread and stuck them into a toaster while Lefty sat down. I took the butter from the fridge and sat it on the counter before sitting down infront of Lefty.

If you couldn't tell, I really like Lefty. Like, really like Lefty. So I need to get him to open up to me. "So Lefty, since you tell kids jokes at the diner, can you tell me one?" He looked confused with a bit of shyness, but had a small smile escape his lips. Or snout. Whatever people call it.

"U-um, ok! This may be a little dark but, who are the f-fastest readers?" I thought he would give me like a little knock knock joke so this threw me off. So I simply said, "I don't know who?" "9/11 v-victims. They w-went down 20 stories in three seconds."

My eyes widened, but I still laughed. Gotta admit, it's pretty funny. "I like that. Just never tell kids that." He giggled, covering his mouth with his paw before responding, "O-ok." His whole face brightened up. He finally looked genuinely happy, whick made me smile.

Lefty almost jumped out of his seat when the toast flung up from the toaster. He let out an adorable squeak which made me blush for no reason. I chuckled before standing up and spinning around, snatching the toast and sitting it on two plates. Two for him and two for me.

I covered all of them with butter then handed him his plate, once again sitting infront of him with my own. Thank Scott I bought another basket of exotic butters. I really didn't feel like going to the store today. To be honest, I really didn't feel like doing anything. Maybe I'm sick? Nah, couldn't be. I haven't been by anyone sick lately, or have I? Scrapbaby was coughing the oth-THAT BITCH.

I groaned, getting a confused look from Lefty. "W-what's wrong?" "Scrapbaby got me sick. Probably." I mumbled the last part, resting my head on my arm while I rubbing my temples. From the corner of my eye I could see Lefty frowning, but I ignored it. Instead, I groaned again and slammed my head against the counter, luckily not sitting my face in my toast. I think I got a migraine, or just a simple headache. Either way, it fucking sucks.

Luckily we didn't have work cause I can't afford closing the restaurant again this month. Well, I could probably close it for a year and still have a lot left but I wanted to think dramatically. But if I did that, people could loose interest very quickly. Damn everything is so fucking stressful.

I think Lefty could tell I was stressed since he stood up and sat beside me, rubbing circles on my back. I'm not ashamed to say that I loved his touch. His fluffy paws were...well, fluffy. Even though I had a shirt on, I could still feel the fluffiness. Which gave me an idea~

I groaned again, getting another sympathetic look from Lefty. "A-are you sure your alright?" I lifted my head a little, but only glanced at him. "Yeah... I'm just gonna go to a cafe or something and get a coffee." I tried standing up, but Lefty immediately pushed my shoulder down, making me plop back in my seat. I gave him a confused look before he hugged my side.

"Y-your to sick, or hurt, whatever's wrong with you to go out. Th-there's enough things to make a coffee so just sit on the couch and I'll g-get it." With that, he spun around to the coffee machine I never used (and may have forgot) and started opening the top.

While Lefty started making me a cup of coffee, I stood up and trudged to the couch. I moved a blanket that was in the middle of the couch to the side and sat down, sitting there akwardly. A couple minutes later, he came back with a cup of coffee in his left hand. iRoNiC.

He handed me the cup as I thanked him, laying back against the couch. "Soooooooo watcha wanna do?" I asked, sipping some coffee luckily without burning my tongue. He spaced out for a minute before responding, "H-how about we just watch TV?"

I smiled, sitting my coffee on the coffee table and grabbing the blanket I moved while he grabbed the remote. I wrapped the blanket around us while he picked [anything Idc] . We sat back against the couch for about 10 minutes before I felt something against my chest.

I glanced down to Lefty who was against my chest, eyes still locked on the TV. I couldn't help but smile. Don't know why, but I played with his ears, getting a small pur from him. Soon enough, he fell asleep.

He looked so cute when he slept. Everything about him just seems to be perfect. His sparkling eye, his Ruby cheeks, his beautiful voice, his cute personality, even his hot body~ But I won't tell him that. Yet.

I moved my hand down his body. Stroking his chest, his leg, his arms, his back, and may of touched his rear. Luckily, he still didn't wake up. Instead, he purred. I swear if he would make that noise any time I touched him, I would never stop.

But, the moment had to end. My phone rang, making Lefty yelp and elbow my crotch. I let out an "Ow Fuck.", getting a sorry from Lefty, before picking up my phone. I instantly glared at it. The last person I ever wanted to talk to ruined our moment.

My fucking dad.

Ok, I know this chapter was like shit and all but its been a week. I didn't have any ideas of what to do until I was halfway done with the chapter soooooooo yeah.

Welp, tee hee 👉🏼👈🏼

I know ⬇️This⬇️is kinda random and all but I think it's funny. (I didn't draw it. Person who did is on the bottom of the pic.)

Height difference between Circus Baby and Springtrap in da au.

Height difference between Circus Baby and Springtrap in da au

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Buh baiii~

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